Robert Klugseder (with Gionata Brusa): Der Liber ordinarius Pataviensis. Eine textkritische Edition des mittelalterlichen Regelbuchs der Diözese Passau (= Codices Manuscripti & Impressi Supplement 13), Purkersdorf 2019 (Link)

Réka Miklós (with Gionata Brusa): Der Seckauer Liber ordinarius Graz Universitätsbibliothek 1566 (= Codices Manuscripti & Impressi Supplement 15), Purkersdorf 2020 (Link).

David Hiley and Gionata Brusa: Der Liber ordinarius der Regensburger Domkirche. Eine textkritische Edition des mittelalterlichen Regelbuchs (= Codices Manuscripti & Impressi Supplement 16), Purkersdorf 2020 (Link).

Digital editions of this and other Libri ordinarii are available on the website of the project CANTUS NETWORT, lead by Franz Karl Praßl and Robert Klugseder . The print editions are supplemented by detailed scientific commentaries.

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