This manuscript is knows as Yale fragment, written by Peter Lampadarie for archbishop of Sarajevo, written on Church Slavic with Greek letters. Written for service in Serbian Orthodox Churh.
The Mone Megistes Lavras (Monastery of the Great Lavra: RISM siglum GR-AOml) is not only one of the richest and biggest Lavra monasteries of the Holy Mount Athos, it has also a famous collection of Old Byzantine sticheraria according to the local Cha
The microfilm of the Bibliothèque nationale, fonds Coislin manuscrit 220. “Coislin notation” was called after this manuscript. The black-and-white reproduction of the film is online since more than a year, but I will soon describe other manuscripts (
After Oliver Strunk’s study of the Byzantine tonal system in 1942, mainly based on Late Byzantine sources of the Papadikai, there has been very few resonance around Christian Thodberg’s study of the tonal system of the kontakarion 60 years
The University reader already has a well made content bar which allows you to go through the manuscript without any further need of a detailed description (see the screenshot). The manuscript which is the main sou
The Russian State Library of Moscow (RSL / РГБ for Российская государственная библиотека or RISM siglum RU-Mrg) is the second National Library after the historical one of Petersburg. Du
I would like to inform you about this doctoral thesis, because it has not only an accurate codicological description (different hands of scribes and notators, local features of the manuscript like the feast for St Barbaros with an edition and transcr
Among many other sources the Akolouthiai (τάξις τῶν ἀκολουθίων “order of services”) are one of the most important sources of Byzantine psaltic art. This new book type of the 14th century replaced the old books of the cathedral rite (the choir book kn
Pergamos - Library and Information Center of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Since a very long time I planned to announce this important collection which includes very rare and precious autographs of many important psaltes and Archon pr
Verso side with palimpsest, beginning of the kontakarion with 1 September (f.53r)
XIII-XIV • Kontakarion-Psaltikon (ff.1r-126r) and Nenanismata (f.127v), the second contrasted reproduction makes a hidden palimpsest visible (patriarchal wri