





July 11

Intérêt principal (principal interest)

Grégorien, Ars antiqua, Ars nova, Manuscrits (paléographie)

Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)

manuscrits aquitaines

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Ellen Hünigen replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Weihnachtsüberraschung für 2017: Graduale & Antiphonar aus Quedlinburg und ein paar Harzer Perlen der Kirchenarchitektur in German Music
"Ach ja, die Spottmotette im Brunnen...! Ja, Heidschnucken hießen die Tiere. Allerliebst. Oliver Gerlach said:
Yes, it was this local race called "Heidschnucke" (related to the National Park Lüneburger Heide).
Warum sind 13 Sekunden Nachhall…"
Dec 22, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Weihnachtsüberraschung für 2017: Graduale & Antiphonar aus Quedlinburg und ein paar Harzer Perlen der Kirchenarchitektur in German Music
"Ich hörte mal einen interessanten Vortrag eines Akustikers und Architekturhistorikers, der sich intensiv mit Fragen von Bau und Akustik auseinandergesetzt hatte. Der sagte, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, Königslutter betreffend, daß man später dort…"
Dec 22, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Weihnachtsüberraschung für 2017: Graduale & Antiphonar aus Quedlinburg und ein paar Harzer Perlen der Kirchenarchitektur in German Music
"D-B Mus. ms. 40078 - one of the most beautiful graduals of the 12th century. I love the shape of these neumes and I loved to sing from this manuscript.
Is it that manuscript tha can be downloaded? Most of the folios have coloured staffs (green and…"
Dec 22, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Weihnachtsüberraschung für 2017: Graduale & Antiphonar aus Quedlinburg und ein paar Harzer Perlen der Kirchenarchitektur in German Music
"Danke, Oliver, für diese schönen Fotos und die Erinnerungen, die sie wecken. All diese wundervollen Orte, an denen wir gesungen haben. Unvergesslich. Königslutter mit der unhistorischen, aber eindrucksvollen Nachhallzeit (ich glaube mich dunkel zu…"
Dec 22, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Weihnachtsüberraschung für 2017: Graduale & Antiphonar aus Quedlinburg und ein paar Harzer Perlen der Kirchenarchitektur in German Music
"And the peacocks the pastor had there were audible sometimes. And do you remember the sheep he had? The recording at Hamersleben was just an amazing experience. Phantastic acoustic! Good time with all the wonderful people including you, Oliver and…"
Dec 22, 2017
Ellen Hünigen commented on Lenka Hlávková (Mráčková)'s event A virtual exhibition '...and the Word Became Music' until 31 December 2017 only!
"Thank you, dear Lenka, for inviting me to this virtual exhibition."
Dec 3, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Mauricio Molina's discussion A couple of articles about medieval percussion instruments in Percussion instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
"I am reading your article In Tympano with great interest. Interesting, that for instance St. Augustine and Gregory the Great remark, that the membrane of the tympanon relates to flesh because it is made of animal skin. But presumably they wouldn`t…"
Sep 6, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Mauricio Molina's discussion A couple of articles about medieval percussion instruments in Percussion instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
"I am reading your article In Tympano with great interest. Interesting, that for instance St. Augustine and Gregory the Great remark, that the membrane of the tympanon relates to flesh because it is made of animal skin. But presumably they wouldn`t…"
Sep 6, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Mauricio Molina's discussion A couple of articles about medieval percussion instruments in Percussion instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
"Thank you for sharing the articles. Very interesting!"
Aug 29, 2017
Ellen Hünigen replied to Lenka Hlávková (Mráčková)'s discussion Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference Prague, 4-8 July 2017 - deadline for submitting proposals extended till March 10, 1 p.m. CET
"Hallo, liebe Lenka, ich freue mich, Dich bald in Prag zu sehen. Ich muß noch den Anmeldebeitrag überweisen, finde dafür aber keine Möglichkeit auf der Website der MedRen in Prag. Habe ich etwas übersehen? Wo und wann kann ich meine Anmeldung…"
Apr 26, 2017
Ellen Hünigen left a comment on Neumes et paléographie
"Merci pour l`invitation."
Jun 6, 2016
Ellen Hünigen commented on Dominique Gatté's blog post David Hiley's Western Plainchant: A Handbook (On-line)
"Merci beaucoup, Dominique!"
Sep 3, 2013
Ellen Hünigen replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Polyphonies Saint-Martial (BNF Latin 3719 en ligne) [Couleur] in Notre-Dame School and Ars Antiqua
"Wonderful! Exactly what I need! Merci beaucoup, Dominique."
Aug 25, 2013
Ellen Hünigen left a comment for Gerald Messiaen
"Merci beaucoup, I´m very happy about the Graduale Albiense version which is easy to see on Gallica. But I´m even more happy that there is a version in Rome, Angelica 123! I will get that, too.
I was looking to find neumated sources to sing from. I…"
Mar 21, 2013
Ellen Hünigen replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Gallica plus de 600 manuscrits latins en ligne dont 45 manuscrits musicaux in Répertoire des manuscrits médiévaux notés
"merci beaucoup!"
Dec 18, 2012