Dear members,
I am looking for a Dominican missale plenum (both text and music) of French origin that will be used for a comparison and to complete another Dominican missale plenum of French origin from the early 14th century. It is now kept in Sweden in a fragmentary condition and called Torstunamissalet after the church where it has been used/kept. Both proprium de tempore, ordo missae, proprium de sanctis as well as commune sanctorum are needed. Concerning the proprium de tempore, only the time from advent until Palm Sunday is needed. A few photos are enclosed. Any ideas of an appropriate manuscript are welcome.
Karin Strinnholm Lagergren
Maybe it is a book on the Finnish parchments in the Helsinki University Library,that is a very big book know? I am looking forward to see what it is you have!
I am not sure of what you mean by "all" fragments, but they are only in the National Archives in Stockholm 23 000 of them and they are only partial published. What you have is probably one of the older publications around this fragment collection with photos of parts of it? Concerning the Torstunamissalet I have all the fragments of it (67 pages) on photos for my own use, they are not published but will be during 2013 or 2015 in a facsimilé edition. It is a manuscript for comparison I am looking for.
Best, Karin
Malheureusement Karin, ce manuscrit n'est pas en ligne, mais j'en possède une copie !
Karin Strinnholm Lagergren a dit :
Dominique, est ce manuscript enligne?
Thanks for these reactions! These fragments will be published in a facsimilé edition together with an edition and translation of the text as well as a cd with part of the music. Unfortunately this will all be done in Swedish and I do not think that this will be published online. These fragments are today housed in the National Archives in Stockholm (except for two that are in the University Library in Uppsala) and are catalogued in this database: It has recently come online and the photos of the fragments are not converted yet but will come later this year they have promised.
Dominique, est ce manuscript enligne?
Karin Strinnholm Lagergren
Il faudrait regarder dans le London, British Library, Additional 23935
Graduale, Antiphonarium, Processionale du Couvent St Jacques Paris XIIIème siècle
This is definitely a very rare book you have! would you be able to have it scanned to put it on the net?
It would be useful to many.
I am not sure there are many others. Dominicans were perhaps more interested in portable books, no?