I realize this is quite a long shot, but does anyone here have access to a volume printed at Ratisbon in either 1863 or 1864 titled: "Officium et Missa Immaculatæ Conceptionis Beatæ Mariæ Virginis Gregorianis Modis aptata"? It is apparently a set of chants for the feast of the Immaculate Conception composed by a certain Gratiliano de Petro for the office and Mass promulgated by Pius IX in 1863 for the feast. The volume is only in two libraries according to Worldcat, but bizarrely it shows up as "unavailable" on Amazon, so I wonder if perhaps a copy circulated at some point in the recent past!
Here is some information from a contemporary source about the volume:
On a related note, is anyone familiar with the Antiphonarium and Graduale produced by the Archdiocese of Cologne in the mid-19th century?
Antiphonarium (1863)
Graduale (1865)
They look very interesting to me, but I haven't come across anything about the context of their production. They reflect the characteristic "German accent" of the A-c-A where many other sources might have A-Bb-A, for instance in the Gaudeamus:
Through the kindness of a librarian at the University of Eichstaett (who I contacted separately from this post), I have now received digital images of the 1864 chant edition of the Immaculate Conception Mass and Office. If anyone is curious, here is a sample. (21/1 Esl III 99)
Thanks for your message. The version you quote appears in the 1871 Graduale published by Pustet. It is based on another chant in the same edition, also beginning with Gaudens gaudebo but with a different ending text, assigned for a regional feast "SS. Redemptoris."
What I'm fascinated by with the feast of the Immaculate Conception is that there are a great variety of settings of the same texts -- each publisher seems to have taken a different approach to the feast. For instance, the 1874 edition of the Dessain Graduale, another neo-medicean edition, has an entirely different setting. In addition, I've found two redactions in Dominican Graduales, as well as several others.
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