Gregoriana presents a book in honour of her gregoguru, singer and director Wim van Gerven (1929-2008) on the occasion of her tenth anniversary, the hundredth Gregorian Meditation in the Amsterdam Obrechtchurch and the hundredth broadcast of Bonum est:
Wim van Gerven
pionier van de gregoriaanse semiologie in Nederland
197 handgeschreven partituren
met inleidingen van
Martin Hoondert, Pieter Mannaerts, Marcel Zijlstra e.a.
redactie: Geert Maessen
Amsterdam 2012
For the contents of the book have a look at the flyer: Wim-van-Gerven-Pionier-Flyer.pdf
The book can be ordered here: ABC
Wim van Gerven was one of the most influential pioneers of the so called semiological movement in the Low Countries. The book presents a selection of chants that Van Gerven reconstructed for his choirs between 1984 and 2002. The handwritten scores are preceded by a dozen of introductions by specialists on related items, like the changes in the liturgy since Vaticanum II, rhythm and ornamentation in chant, vocal techniques by Aurelian of Réomé (9th century) and the scientific implications of the melodic reconstructions (the so called "restitutions").
The combination of Luigi Russolo and Gregorian chant is quite striking. Thank you for this interesting document.
Congratulations Geert, also on this platform !!!
Best wishes,
Dirk van Kampen