Donatella Bucca:

After questions of fund raisings could finally be solved, Donatella Bucca's catalogue of the music manuscripts of the Library of the Archimandritate Saint-Saviour Messina, the collection is preserved at the Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria di Messina today, could be published this year.

The presentation was 10 May and was filmed in large parts:

Recorded (unfortunately very badly) presentation of a DVD by Ensemble Hagiopolites under direction of Ioannis Arvanitis.

Here the programme of the whole day:


Here the cover of the catalogue:


The facsimile is taken from Messan. gr. 161, fol. 66v (we already discussed the psaltikon part of the old cherouvikon which can be found in the same Anthology of the Asma). Here the description by the author (p. 230):

(ff. 64v-67v) pentekostaria: per un martire (λεγόμενον εἰς ἀθλοφόρου) [...], <catanittico>, inc. Τί ἐπιμένεις ψυχή μου καὶ οὐκ ἐργάζου ἀγαθὸν... ἦχ. πλ. β´ [Di Salvo, 'Asmata,' 154].

The manuscript itself contains chant for the Orthros (ff. 20r-67v) and chant for the Divine Liturgies (ff. 68r-89v + Messan. gr. 175).

Half of the volume are indexes which allow readers to prepare a visit of the Library, whatever might be the perspective of the study of Italo-Byzantine chant manuscripts. Who would like to study those manuscripts of Cypriote provenance, can just look under "origine, loco d' — dei manoscritto:" in the analytical index (p. 448) and will find the signatures of 3 manuscripts which we discussed here. Who would like to study compositions by Joseph the Hymnographer will find references to his canons, and to kontakia, and to an illumination of the famous monk who was born in Sicily, but grew up in Palestine and Constantinople: Giuseppe l'Innografo (p. 432). Who would like to study the sources of the liturgical drama about the biblical odes taken from Prophet Daniel, the so-called "Service of the Furnace", might look for it under "esequie, acolutia per le —" "di fanciulli" and finds the indication of the folios of one manuscript (p. 422). Who prefers to look for all compositions on the subject, better search in the "index of biblical readings" (p. 394).

For further information I recommend my review at

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  • Another review was published by Maria Alexandru in PMM:

    Alexandru, M., 2014. Donatella Bucca, Catalogo dei manoscritti musicali greci del SS. Salvatore di Messina (Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria di Messina), with a foreword by Christian Troelsgård and a preface by Santo Lucà. Rome: Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del Millenario della Fondazione dell’Abbazia di S. Nilo a Grottaferrata, 2011. lxxxii+470 pp. + 60 plates. ISBN 978 88 89940 11 2. Plainsong and Medieval Music, 23, pp.115–118, doi:10.1017/S096113711300017X.
  • Thank you very much, Oliver.

  • Unfortunately, you cannot buy the book on the market, because it was financed by the funds, that the Abbey Grottaferrata got for its 1000th anniversary. But I can make the contact to the author, that the catalogue will be sent to a library next to you. I am sure it will be very useful for many scholars at Joensuu. The library will just pay the porto.

    For any other requests, you are all welcome to contact me.

  • How can one actually buy this catalogue?!  The e-mail address in the link provided ( does not work...

    Basta un sito dove si può cliccare...

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