Oliver for Andrija Sagić:


Manuscript EBE 928 (National Library of Greece) ONLINE!

This valuable manuscript with Serbian composers from XV c. is finally online.

EBE 928

Polyeleos Раби Господа хвалите име in echos devteros by Hieromonachos Iesaias the Serbian (GR-An Ms. 928 f. 36r)

about 1500 ⦁ Anthology of the Žegligovo Monastery in Makedonia. Description:

  • Anthology of Orthros: ff. 1-83v (Old Church Slavonic Chant in Cyrillic alphabet ff. 36r-55r)
  • Anthology for the Liturgies: ff. 84v-169v
  • Fragment of a Papadike (methods of parallage, protos enechemata): ff. 166v-167v


Tončeva, Elena. „Über die Formelhaftigkeit in der mündlichen Kirchengesangstradition auf dem Balkan. (Das Automela-Proshomoia-Singen der Südslawen im 15. Jh. nach Ms. Athen Nr. 928) [About modal patterns in the oral tradition of eclesiastic chant of the Balkans (the avtomela-proshomoia practice among southern Slaves during the 15th century according to NLG Ms. 928)]“. In Cantus planus: Papers read at the 4th meeting, Pécs, Hungary, 1990, 251–65. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1992. Link.
———. "Новооткрити Славяноезични (Преводни) Творби На Йоан Кукузел: Полиелейни Припеви От XV Век [Newly-Found Slavonic (Translated) Works of John Koukouzeles: Polyeleos Choruses of the 15th Century]." Българско Музикознание 24, Nr. 2 (2000): 5–31. ceeol.

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  • I added two essays by my dear Bulgarian colleague Elena Tončeva (unfortunately she is no longer with us), because she did great studies about this manuscript. The first already in 1990, when she had a paper about proshomoion singing and also talked about the Macedonian monastery, where this manuscripts had been preserved before it came to Athens. The Žegligovo Monastery is in Northern Macedonia in the East of Skopje (thus, also close to Serbia), it is a great addition to the collection of Skopje (follow the tag Macedonia) which already has many manuscripts with a Serbian redaction of Old Church Slavonic, but none of them has musical notation (it was obviously not known in rural areas where the the transmission was almost purely oral).

    I am not sure that this manuscript was written by the Romanian Filothei the monk as she assumed in her second publication (quite impossible if the datation back to the early 15th century is right!), but also many Polyeleoi are called "servikon" (Serbian). Without any doubt it reveals a current practice to recite the Latrinos cycle (a particular way to trope Ps 134).

    Thus, we have the Greek and the Slavic way to perform John Koukouzeles' realisation of Latrinos according to contemporary customs (p. 15):9126851466?profile=original

    Some Slavic Polyeleos settings have the Greek version written in red ink between the lines. Thus, the folio 36 visible here is the beginning of Slavic Polyeleos settings.

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