Studying several GREG versions of this antiphon I noticed the difference in treating the Interpunktionsmelismen. Some versions lack them completely (like Aq. sources as Albi and Yrieix) other seem to vary. There are even differences between sources like Einsiedeln 121 and SG like 339-342 etc.

Is there a relation with the Byzantine Apolitikion? How are cadences built there?

Was this a bilingual chant such as Ave gratia plena and Adorna thalamum, both for the feast of Purification too? (Hesbert, AMS 29b)

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  • Bonjour, Franco,

    Pourriez-vous me dire ce que vous entendez par Interpunktionsmelismen?


  • Dominique Crochu a dit :

    Bonjour, Franco,

    Pourriez-vous me dire ce que vous entendez par Interpunktionsmelismen?



    on peut dire; "distinctiones". C'est mieux?


    Ici :

    Responsum accepit SimeON

    a spiritu sanCTO etc

  • Thank You.


    Pope Sergius (687-701) introduced a procession for the feast of Purificatio.

    Besides the bilingual other two processionantiphons.

    That's why I thought of a Byzantine relationship


    Thanks to David Hiley I found an article by Michel Huglo

    'L'antienne Responsum accepit Symeon dans la tradition manuscrite du Processional',

    Gedenkschrift für Walter Pass, ed. Martin Czernin (Tutzing 2002), 121-129


    'composée dans un style absolument insolite,....les formules des demi-cadences ne se retrouvent nulle part dans le Graduel ou dans l' Antiphonaire'


    Also interesting because Huglo gives examples of the practise to sing tropes to the neumes on the distinctions.

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