Psalm 151 and the Coptic liturgy

in collaboration with Magdalena Kuhn (Peeters)

Article Coptic Music

During episode 151 of «Bonum est» you will listen to liturgical music in Egypt. The Copts belong to the largest Christian communities of Egypt and they are proud of their ancient Orthodox Christian culture and of their own musical heritage. Psalm 151 is very important in the Coptic Holy Week (the week before Easter according to the Alexandrian calendar) and highlights this broadcast, together with hymns that are performed in relation to this Psalm according to Coptic tradition.

Since the Arab-Islamic rule of 641, Egypt became a bilingual country and therefore Coptic hymns can be sung in three different languages today: Coptic, Greek and Arabic. The hymns are strictly monophonic, according to the Coptic (monophysitic) dogma. Coptic cantors need to practice for many years until they become able to master a perfect monophony. Only during important feast the hymns are accompanied with the delicate sounds of the cymbal and triangle.

In this broadcast you will listen to both, the traditional Coptic hymns on the one hand, and the modern hymns in all three languages on the other hand:

01. Penchois
02. Tenouoschet
03. Psalm 151
04. Gen Ouschoot
05. Aripsalin
06. instrumental
07. Tenen
08. Aida in Anafora
09. O give me light (Arabic)
10. Song of praise to Pope Shenouda (Arabic)
11. Chere ne Maria

track 01, 02 & 11
Choeur de l’Institut d’Études Copte, Maison des Cultures du Monde, direction Michael Ghattas
CD: Egypte Hymnes de 'Église Copte Orthodoxe
(INEDIT W 260151, 2014 )
track 03
Ensemble David, Institut du Monde Arabe, direction Georges Kirollos, solo Ibrahim Ayad
CD: Egypt, Liturgies Coptes
(Harmonia Mundi, IMA 321022, 1999)
track 04 & 07
Monks of Saint Macarius Monastery
“Night Vigil in the Desert”
produced by: Yves Touati, Ziv Naveh
CD: Saint Macarius Monastery, Psalmodia,
(Musica Sancta Ltd., Tel Aviv, no number or year indicated)
track 05 & 06
Ensemble David, Institut du Monde Arabe, direction Georges Kirollos, solo Ibrahim Ayad
CD: A miracle of hymns
("David Audio"-Magdy Daoud, no number or year indicated)
track 08
Aida in Anafora, Coptisch Cultureel Centrum Cairo
(private recording, 1998)
track 09
Jubal Koor, Virgin Mary Church in Ain Shams, Cairo (with thans to father Johanna Fawzil)
(cassette without label or year)
track 10
Choir of the Mar Girgis Church in Quali, Cairo
(cassette without year or label)

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