Among many other sources the Akolouthiai (τάξις τῶν ἀκολουθίων “order of services”) are one of the most important sources of Byzantine psaltic art. This new book type of the 14th century replaced the old books of the cathedral rite (the choir book known as “asmatikon”, the book of the monophonaris or lampadarios known as “psaltikon” or “kontakarion”, and the “typikon” as the Eastern liber usualis or ordo). The criteria of datation are the rulers adressed within the polychronia, the repertoire and composers present in earlier or later layers of the manuscript, and the style of the manuscript in comparison to similar contemporary sources.

EBE 2458

13408921092?profile=RESIZE_710xBeginning of the cherouvikon asmatikon with change between the domestikos and the choir (f.160v)

13408922700?profile=RESIZE_710xCherouvikon asmatikon with change to the monophonaris (f.162v)

1336 • Taxis ton akolouthion written in Constantinople, probably same scribe like Athos Mone Pantokratorou Ms. 214. Ἀκολουθίαι συντεθειμέναι παρὰ τοῦ Μαϊστόρου κυροῦ Ἰωάννου τοῦ κουκουζέλη ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς τοῦ μεγάλου ἑσπερινοῦ μέχρι καὶ τῆς συμπληρόσεως τῆς θείας λειτουργίας (f.11r), preceded by a Papadike (beginning is missing, Mega Ison with flag on f. 3r, great wheel of the parallage of Ioannes Koukouzeles on f.5v, echemata kata echon, small doxologies kalophonikai f.8r, oi methodoi f.9v). Anthology of Hesperinos (troparia and psalm settings ff.11-36, kekragaria ff.36-37, prokeimena and dochai 37-46), of Orthros (Orthros psalm ff.46-48, allelouiaria ff.49-57v, axion estin and other heirmoi ff.57v-62v, agios kyrios o theos kata echon f.62v-63r, pasapnoaria with aineite psalm ff.63r-71r, prokeimena ff.71v-74v, polyeleos settings ff.75r-113v, antiphona for the panagia Theotokos in echos protos and tetartos, antiphona for the Archangels in echos plagios devteros 113v-125r, amomos psalms ff.125r-142v), for the divine liturgies (antiphona ff.142v-144v, trisagia and anti-trisagia ff.144v-146v, prokeimena ff.146v-147r, allelouiaria ff.147v-149r, prokeimena / koinonika of the week, of the martyres ff.149v-150, allelouiaria ff.151r-161r, cherouvika and anti-cherouvika ff.161v-167v, Anaphora of the divine liturgy of Saint Basil ff.167v-168r, koinonika ff.168r-172r, divine liturgy of the presanctified gifts with anti-cherouvika and koinonika ff.172v-178r), katanytika kata echon (ff. 179r-190r); mathematarion (triadika polyphonika ff.190v-191v, prologos ff.192r-194v, Akathistos Hymnos ff.195r-201r, kratema ff.201v-202r); kratematarion kata echon (unorganised ff.203r-217v); anagrammatismoi and stichera kalophonika by Xenos Korones, (ff.218r-226r); allelouiaria, cherouvikon and various Sunday and Monday koinonika by Xenos Korones, anti-cherouvikon and koinonikon for Maundy Thursday (f.226v-230r), kratema (f.231).

EBE 2061

13408924499?profile=RESIZE_710xPs 85 κλῖνον, κύριε, τὸ οὖς σου καὶ ἐπάκουσόν μου troparion in echos plagios devteros (f.25v)

ca. 1410 • Αkolouthiai of the Hagia Sophia of Thessalonika. Troparia for the daily services of Hesperinos and Orthros in different echoi beginning with echos varys Akolouthias asmatikes to be sung during the week (f.1), another akolouthia asmatike for other weeks (f.25v) in different echoi with megalynarion, eisodikon and allelouiarion beginning with plagios devteros, Cross exaltation 14 Sept (f.73r), Polyeleoi Psalms (f.75v), Idiomela (f.90v), anti-trisagion for Lent (f.98v) with Hypakoai, cherouvika asmatika to be sung during the Maundy Thursday (f.114) with koinonikon (f. 115r), Baptesimal hymn (f.115v), koinonikon of Lazarus Saturday, great doxology in echos devteros (f.117r), trisagion in echos tritos (f.119r), Hesperinos of Easter Sunday in echos varys (f.120r), pentekoston Ὁ ἐκ τὸν κόσμον ἐλθὼν kata echon without neumes (f.123v).

EBE 2444

13408925480?profile=RESIZE_710xAnti-cherouvikon of the divine liturgy of the presanctified gifts, change with monophonaris (f.229r)

XV • Akolouthiai probably of Thessalonika. Methodoi and mathemata, Doxastikon for Nativity of Christ, extract of the Papadike with a composition by Xenos Korones, koinonika of the week cycle (ff.1-8), Papadike with echemata and stichera heothina (ff.9-20). Ἀκολουθίαι συντεθειμέναι παρὰ τοῦ Μαϊστόρου κυροῦ Ἰωάννου τοῦ κουκουζέλη καὶ ἑτέρων ποιητῶν ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς τοῦ μεγάλου ἑσπερινοῦ μέχρι καὶ τῆς συμπληρόσεως τῆς θείας λειτουργίας (f. 21r) with an Anthology for Hesperinos (ff.21-64), Orthros (ff.65-132v), for the Divine Liturgies (ff.132v-236), Mathematarion with megalynaria, stichera kalophonika and anagrammatismoi and kalophonic chant for the Holy Week (ff.237-349).

EBE 2401

13408926079?profile=RESIZE_710xMathema of the signs before Mega Ison (f.12r)

13408926870?profile=RESIZE_710xThe parallage of Ioannes Laskaris (f.224r)

XV • Akolouthiai. Kratemata (ff.1-8). Papadike with methods (ff.9r-21r) also rare earlier ones than Mega Ison, and, inserted later, Ioannes Laskaris' ἡ ἐρμηνία καὶ παραλαγῆ τῆς μουσικῆς τέχνης with a particular kanonion as a parallage diagramme (ff.223r-224r). Anthology of Hesperinos (small prokeimena and dochai ff.21r-25v, prokeimena ff.25v-28v, megalynaria ff.28v-30r, 2 stichera of the pentekostarion f.30, kekragaria ff.31-46v, various realisations of stichera idiomela and heirmologic chant of the Holy Week ff.46v-76v), of Orthros (Polyeleoi ff.77r-103r, Doxologiai ff.103v-104v, Polyeleoi ff.105r-121r, pasapnoaria ff.121r-126v (an ethnic kratema called “persikon” with a signature of protos eso was added by a later hand on the lower space left on f.122v), aineite psalm kata echon ff.127r-128r, prokeimena ff.128v-130v, stichera idiomela of the moveable cycle ff.130v-136r, antiphona ff.136r-149v, amomos psalms ff.150r-153r, Polyeleoi and Anabathmoi ff.153v-156v, amomos psalms ff.156v-182v), and for the divine liturgies (trisagion ff.182v, anticherouvikon and koinonika for the divine liturgy of the presanctified gifts for Maundy Thursday and Fridays of Lent, Holy Saturday and Easter ff.183r-186v, typika syntoma ff.186v-187r, trisagia and antitrisagaía and their dynameis ff.187r-188v, allelouiaria ff.188v-202v, cherouvika including the protos cherouvikon of Chrysaphes' cycle ff.203r-210r, Anaphora of the divine liturgy of St Basil ff.210r & 221v-222r, koinonika beginning with an oktoechos cycle of the Wednesday and Sunday koinonikon ff.210v-225v, Axion estin and other heirmoi ff.226r-241r, Trisagion by Kornelios ff.241). Mathematarion (asmatic troparia for Great Vespers and the recitation of the canticles (asmatikai odai) and kratemata ff.242-270v, Ps 1 ff.270v-271r, sticherarion and heirmologion kalophonikon in menaion order with the moveable cycle included (hypapante in February) ff.271r-325r; Appendix (ff.325v-329r) with later added mathemata 325v (SAV 451, 2 anagrammatismoi about SAV 214 & 219), Sunday koinonikon by Manuel Gazes the Lampadarios, two teretismata by Nikolaos the Protopsaltes for Good Friday). Trochos of the month with lunar phases (f.329v).

EBE 2406

13408927497?profile=RESIZE_710xBeginning of the cherouvikon asmatikon realised by Michael Aneotos the Domestikos (f.236v)

13408928464?profile=RESIZE_710xTeretismos of the monophonaris, choir and monophonaris from the ambo (f.237v)

1453 • Akolouthiai (f.21r: Ἀκολουθίαι συντεθειμέναι [...]γαλαιόντε καὶ νεχ ἀπὸ τῆς ἀρχῆς τοῦ μεγάλου ἑσπερινοῦ μέχρι καὶ τῆς θείας λειτουργίας τῶν προηγϊασμένων). Papadike with methodoi (ff.1-20), Anthology for Hesperinos (ff.21-73v), Orthros (ff.73v-216), for the divine Liturgies (ff.217-292), Mathematarion with stichera kalophonika, kratemata, and anagrammatismoi (ff.293-352v), Encomia for the Theotokos (ff.352v-356), Polyeleoi (357-388v), Theotokia, katanyktika, megalynaria and chairetismoi (ff.389r-452), stichera heothina (ff.453-457), Antiphona and asmatika (ff.458-459), Allelouiaria (ff.460-461v, 467v-468r), cherouvika kata echon in echos protos, tritos, tetartos, plagios devteros, varys, two in plagios tetartos by Manuel Crysaphes and others (ff.462-467r).


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Raasted, J., 1966. Intonation formulas and modal signatures in Byzantine musical manuscripts, Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae – Subsidia, 7. Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
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Wolfram, G., 1995. Der byzantinische Chor, wie er sich in den Typika des 10.-12. Jh. darstellt. In Cantus planus: Papers read at the 6th meeting, Eger, Hungary, 1993. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 397–402. CP.

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