Psalmverses of the Allelouiarion in echos plagios tetartos, the refrain is written out in red ink (fol. 43)
late XIII • incomplete Kontakarion in short psaltikon style with Middle Byzantine round notation (monastic oktoechos notation of the Sticherarion and Heirmologion)
fol. 1: XII • fragment taken from another manuscript with akrosticha over a given heirmos, extracts between ode 3-5 (Menologion) to bind the Kontakarion.
ff. 2r-17r: Prokeimena (beginning is missing)
ff. 17r-19v: Christmas Stichologia for Hesperinos
ff. 19v-20v: Epiphany Stichologia for Hesperinos
ff. 20v-47v: Allelouiaria
ff. 48r-52r: ἀρχὴ τῶν ἀναστασιμῶν ὑπακοῶν (hypakoe is a refrain, a troparion sung during the recitation of psalms and the cantica, these Resurrection hypakoai have been used between Easter and Pentecost)
ff. 52r-129r: ἀρχὴ τῶν κοντακαρίου οἴκων (strophes, oikoi, of the kontakia)
ff. 129r-134v: ἀρχὴ τῶν ἀναστασιμῶν κοντακαρίου οἴκων (strophes of Resurrection kontakion)
f. 135: XIII • Folio of a Menaion of September (Sticherarion with Middle Byzantine notation), SAV 16-21 (the folio was cut to bind the Kontakarion, only part of the original folio is preserved)