Kondak-podoben for Christmas vigil Дѣва дньсь · прѣвѣчьнаго слова in Glas 3
(its model, the Christmas kondak дѣва дньсь пребогата, is missing)
XIII • Sinodal’ny Kondakar’ (kondakar’: mineya from January to December with illumination for September, f.28r: ff.1r-52v; appendix with various kondaks for January, February, May and August ff.53r-69r; kondaks of the triods, Flower triod started f.77r: ff.69r-94r; Resurrection kondaks for Glas 1-2: ff.94-95v (lacuna); kondaks of the Paraklitik and kondak of John Chrysostom: ff.96r-99v; troparia of the divine liturgies including the 3rd antiphon and eisodikon/vhod: ff.100r-105r; kinonicy/koinonika cycle beginning with Maundy Thursday, Easter, the rest follows arbitrarily, not according to the calendaric order, the last readable kinonicy are for Allsaints (Glas 6) and for Transfiguration (Glas 3), 6 August, on folio 112 recto: ff.105r-112v). The last two folios are worn and buckled. Within the last part modal signatures are usually missing, sometimes they were added as numeral by a later hand in red ink.