I highly recommend a visit on this page which offers plenty of chant manuscripts in different languages (18th-20th century). Unfortunately this website does no longer exist and these links are no longer available. I leave the list, so that you can compare.
First and outdated version
Here are the links of the former homepage:
Fondul Stavropoleos
Alte Fonduri
Former list of psaltic manuscripts of the Stavropoleos collection:
47m Stihirar triod penticostar Hrisaf cel nou sec. XVIII (244MB)
48m Doxastar Petru Lampadarie 1775 (343MB)
49m Antologhie 1779 (382MB)
50m Sf. Liturghie 1878 (87,3MB)
51m Irmologhion Petru Lampadarie 1821 (150MB)
52m Antologie sec XVIII (249MB)
53m Matimatar Matei Vatopedinul (391MB)*
54m Anastasimatar Petru Lampadarie 1788 (112MB)
84m Antologie Ghelasie Basarabeanul 1863 (139MB)
85m Caiet Diaconescu George 1893 (53MB)
86m Antologie Irmologhion Macarie Podobii Visarion (268MB)
87m Vecernie Utrenie Liturghie Idiomelar Triod Penticostar Ghelasie 1859 (390MB)
88m Antologhion Cernica 1848 (120MB)
89m Irmologhion calofonic Macarie (135MB)
90m Antologie Mihaileanu 1871 (136MB)
91m Antologie Gheordunescu (259MB)
92m Antologia lui Marin Popescu (183MB)
93m Ante 1884 Manolescu Serban (262MB)
94m Antologie (256MB)
95m Antologie Maica Porfiria Pasarea 1876 (149MB)
96m Caiet Ante 1882 (64,2MB)
97m Heruvico chinonicar (407MB)
98m Antologie Amfilohie Dimitriu Risca 1881 (343MB)
99m Antologie Cernica martinian 1843(248MB)
100m Caiet Ion Bunescu 1868 (57,1MB)
101m Antologie Olimpiada 1835 (183MB)
123m Antologie utrenie Vecernie ante 1861 (94MB)
124m Antologie heruvico chinonicar si cantari Gheorghe Maciuca (198MB)
2823m Gramatica si Anastasimatar Ciureanu Bodesti Chisinau 1923 (243MB)
2824m Prohodul Ciureanu Bodesti Chisinau 1935 (62MB)
4413m File in Heruvico chinonicarul lui Pann (16MB)
4939m Caiet pentru cantari..., sora Maria, Varatec 1949 (122MB)
4940m Caiet Gh. Iordache 1924 (70,3MB)
4941m Caiet 1880 1885 (90,4MB)
5629 Heruvico Chinonicar Irmologhion Calofonicon Doxologie si Axioane Pr Nicolae (258MB)
6041m Nicolae Barcan Micul Anastasimatar 1912 (90MB)
7293 Antologie gr.rom. (349MB)
7294 Antologie Cernica 1842 (241MB)
7301 Antologie 1856 (133MB)
7302 Ante 1845 (97MB)
7303 Ante 1840 (86,4MB)
7304 Ghelasie (177MB)
7305 Caiet Fosca Emanuel 1876 (229MB)
7306 Irmologhion Heruvico chinonicar Petru Lampadarie sec XVIII (150MB)
7307 File la sfarsitul tipariturii(49,6MB)
9355m Caiet de cantari bisericesti Steluta Caprita (196MB)
Cizmaresc (67,7MB)
File ms in heruvico chinonicarul lui pann (17MB)
Doxastar, Iacov Protopsaltul, gr. (378MB)
Other collections of the monastery (version found November 1, 2014)
Other collections
- 1. Cintarile Sfintei Liturghii, dupa 1839 (24MB)
- 2. Cintari la Utrenie, Sf. Liturghie si Anastasimatar, 1853 (20MB)
- 5. Sfinta Liturghie, 1840, copist Gheorghie Zograf (Gherontie), cintaret la Manastirea Hurezi (25MB)
- 1. Carte de cintari, monahul Iacov, 1896 (82MB)
- 2. Carte de cintari (55MB)
- 3. Pentru Privegheri (15MB)
- 4. Cintari alese (31MB)
- 5. Utrinariu (98MB)
- 6. Doxastar, Iacov si Hurmuz (35MB)
- 8. Slujba Adormirii Preasfintei Nascatoarei de Dumnezeu (16MB)
- 12. Doxologii, 1891 (15MB)
- 13. Stihirar(29MB)
- 14. Doxastar septembrie-ianuarie (24MB)
- 15. Doxastar tomul 2, Iacov si Hurmuz, 1907 (22MB)
- 16. Privegher (15MB)
- 17. Doxastar tomul 3, Iacov si Hurmuz, 1906 (25MB)
- 18. Slavele la Bunavestire (3MB)
- 19. Cintari si slave din Postul Mare si Penticostar, Sf. Gheorghe si Sf. Imparati (4MB)
- 20. Cintari la Sfinta Liturghie (14MB)
- 21. Cintari la Sfinta Liturghie (12MB)
- 22. La Sf. Liturghie, la Tundere, la Sf. athoniti, chinonic la Sf. Pantelimon, ante 1934 (8MB)
- 23. Priveghier (3MB)
- 24. Cintari la Sf. Liturghie si priveghere (7MB)
- 25. Cintari la priveghere (7MB)
- 26. Doxastar, Stihirar, 1900 (7MB)
- 27. Privegher, 1887, Serghie (17MB)
- 28. Privegher, 1909 (8MB)
- 29. Axioane, 1894, Iacov (7MB)
- 30. Priveghier, 1930 (18MB)
- 31. Priveghier (25MB)
- 32. Priveghier si altele (23MB)
- 33. Liturghie, Paisie ier., 1882 (24MB)
- 34. Sf. Liturghie, Vecernie, Utrenie, Postul Mare, Inviere (17MB)
- 1047. Slujba Sf. Tihon (6MB)
- 1052. Rinduiala slujbei Izvorului celui de viata purtator, caligraf Kesarie Mateescu (5MB)
- 1097. Antologhie, caligraf ierodiacon Isihie Petrescu, 1913 (24MB)
- 1247. Carte de privegheri, caligraf ierodiacon Dionisie Ignat, 1933-38 (25MB)
Chant Manuscript Collection (list updated October 19, 2015)
Stavropoleos collection
MSS PREHRISANTICE (manuscripts before the reform of 1814)
- ms 47m. gr. Stihirar – Triod, Penticostar; Hrisaf cel nou, sec.18 (82MB)
- ms 48m. gr. Doxastar – Ian-Dec, Triod, Penticostar; Petru Lampadarie, 1775 (103MB)
- ms 54m. gr. Anastasimatar; Petru Lampadarie, 1778 (126MB)
- ms 49m. gr. Antologie – Propedie, Anastasimatar, Sf. Liturghie; Teodulos monahul, Hrisaf cel nou, Balasie preotul, etc, ante 1779
- ms 52m. gr. Antologie – Propedie, Anastasimatar, Irmoase calofonice, Sf. Liturghie, etc; Hrisaf, Balasie, Longin, etc, sec.18 a doua jumatate (72MB)
- ms 51m. gr. Irmologhion, Cintari, Chinonice; Petru Lampadarie, Nichifor, Daniil Protopsaltul, ante 1821
- ms 7306m. gr. Irmologhion, Heruvico-Chinonicar; Petru Lampadarie, ante 1889
MSS GRECESTI (Greek manuscripts written in Chrysanthine notation)
- ms 7319. gr. Doxastar, Iacov Protopsaltul
- ms 50m. gr. Utrenia, Sfinta Liturghie, ante 1878
- ms 53m. gr. Matimatar*, Matei Vatopedinul
MSS ROMANESTI (Romanian manuscripts written in Chrysanthine notation)
- ms 84m, Antologie, Ghelasie Basarabeanul, 1863
- ms 85m, Caiet, (Diaconescu George), 1893
- ms 87m, Antologie, Ghelasie Basarabeanul, 1859
- ms 88m, Antologhion, Cernica, 1849: „Aceasta carte ce coprinde in sine din Cintarile Vecerniei, Utreniei şi Dumnezeiestii Liturghii […] Staritu Calinic arhimandritul pentru trebuinta […] cintarea. 1849 mai 27 […] de Stefan monah.”
- ms 89m, Irmologhion calofonic, Macarie ierom, a doua jum. a sec. XIX
- ms 90m, Antologie, (Ctin Mihaileanu), 1871
- ms 91m, Antologie, Iacov Protopsaltul, Grigorie Protopsaltul, Ghelasie Basarabeanu, Petre Efesiu, (Gheordunescu), a doua jum. a sec. XIX
- ms 92m, Antologie, Anton Pann, Nectarie Frimu, Iosif ierod, (Marin Popescu), sf. sec. XIX
- ms 96m, Caiet, ante 1882
- ms 98m, Antologie, (Amfilohie Dimitriu), Risca, 1881
- ms 100m, Caiet, (Ion Bunescu), 1868
- ms 123m, Antologie, ante 1861
- ms 2823, Gramatica si Anastasimatar, Vasile Ciureanu Bodesti, Chisinau, 1923
- ms 2824, Prohodul, Vasile Ciureanu Bodesti, Chisinau, 1935
- ms 4413, File ms in Chinonicarul lui Pann
- ms 4939, Caiet pentru cintari, (Sora Maria Ivancu si Sora Ana Nichifor = maica stareta Onufria Nichifor), Varatec, 1949
- ms 4940, Caiet, (Gheorghe S. Iordache, cintaret la Valea Teiului, Calugareni, jud. Neamt), 1924
- ms 4941, Caiet, (preot Panteleimon Zugravescu, Filioara, jud. Neamt), 1880-1885
- ms 6041, Micul Anastasimatar, Nicolae Barcan, 1912
- ms 7301, Antologie, 1856
- ms 7304, Cintari, Ghelasie
- ms 7305, Caiet, (Focsa Emanuel), 1876
- ms 9355, Caiet de cintari bisericesti (Steluta Caprita) (copist: ierom. Gherasim Negulescu, staret la Manastirea Cheia 1948-1950), 1935
MSS ROMANESTI SI GRECESTI (Greek-Romanian manuscripts written in Chrysanthine notation)
- ms 86m, Antologie. Irmologhionul lui Macarie. Podobiile lui Visarion Duhu. A doua jumatate a sec. XIX
- 93m (Manolescu Serban) ante 1884
- 94m Antologie, sfirsitul sec. XIX
- 95m Antologie (m. Porfiria Pasarea), 1876
- 97m Heruvico-Chinonicar, prima jumatate a sec. XIX
- 99m Antologie, 1843
- ms 101m. Antologie, Olimpiada, 1835
- ms 124m. Antologie, Heruvico-chinonicar si Cintari (Gheorghe Maciuca)
- 5629m Heruvico-Chinonicar. Irmologhion calofonicon. Doxologie și Axioane. (pr. Necolae Duhovnicu), 1841
- 7302 Cintari, ante 1845
- 7303 Cintari, ante 1840
- 7293 Antologie, prima jumatate a sec. XIX
- ms 7294, Antologie, Cernica, 1842: Aceasta carte de muzichie s-au scris şi s-au impodobit cu multe feluri de cantari bisericesti prea frumoase, de ale Liturghiei, de ale Vecerniei şi de ale Utreniei. In zilele binecredinciosului nostru domn Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica Voevod. Si a pastoriei preosfintitului si de Dumnezeu alesului arhiepiscop si mitropolit al Ungrovlahiei D. D. Neofit. Fiind staret sfintei Manastiri Cernica Prea Cuviosul D. D. Calinic arhimandrit. In anii de la Hristos 1842. De smeritul Veniamin ierodiacon.
- 9628 Manuscris cizmaresc
Historical printed chant books of Romania
Historical prints in Romanian language
MACARIE ieromonahul
- Bazul teoretic, Bucuresti, 1847
- Prescurtare din bazul teoretic
- Noul anastasimatar, Bucuresti, 1854
* Wrong classification of ms 53m: the so-called "Mathematarion" (book of exercises) manuscript is an Anthology for Hesperinos, Orthros and the Divine Liturgies, its notator (Matthaios of Vatopaidi?) used the reform notation of 1814 (New Method)
Please have a look at the current homepage of the Stavropoleos Monastery of Bucharest.
There is only an incomplete psaltic manuscript list of the own collection without any links to the reproductions, but some Athonite manuscripts belonging to the Romanian school (most of them in Old Church Slavonic!) had been added in another page with "other collections".
"Noua carta" means digitised prints.
Please have a fresh look at the manuscript page (the list in the discussion has been updated now):
Reproductions of new manuscripts have been released, former resources are be available again!