Troitsky-Lavrsky Kondakar online

Moscow, Russian State Library (Российская государственная библиотека)

Fond 304 Ms. 23


Illumination of the Bogurodžice (Theotokos) healing the arm of Saint John of Damascus (f. 1v)
preceding the miney of the kondakar (f. 2r)

about 1200 (with later added palimpsests on ff. 44r-v, 94v and 115r-v) • Kondakar belonging to the collection of Trinity Lavra of Saint Sergius (fond 304), incomplete miney (December and beginning of January is missing between f. 23v and f. 24r) likewise the end of the whole manuscript is missing (no parts of the asmatikon):

  • Miney of the kondakar ff. 2r-55v (on folio 44 the kondaks for Boris and Gleb (24 July) and 1 August was added, on ff. 55v-56v appendix with added kondaks)
  • Fasten and Flower triod of the kondakar ff. 56r-77r
  • Ressurection kondaks in all 8 glasov ff. 77r-84v
  • Hypakoi in oktoechos order (ff. 85r-93r) and katavasiai (ff. 93r-105v)
  • Troparia and stichologia of a second hand (ff. 105v-115r)
  • Appendix with later added kondaks for St Alexey and Archbishop Nicholas (f. 115)

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