Thank you for these recommendations. I am however skeptical about the qualities of the recordings by the Heiligenkreuz monks - they were criticised by chant specialists for not really being "historically informed". They have good voices, but not everything they do is in keeping with what medieval sources imply - that is at least the criticism that I have heard. Whst I am looking for would be a chant ensemble which is very much concentrated or even entirely specialized on the Cistercian repertory and studies medieval sources (including THEORETICAL sources) in order to come close to what the probable performance practice was. The Heiligenkreuz monks seem to rather belong to those "popular" chant groups which do not have enough historical awareness to be regarded as a "specialized" chant ensemble.
ADF-BAYARD (Studio SM) en colaboración con ARCCIS (l'Association pour le rayonnement de la culture cistercienne) sacó dos CDs recopilatorios del canto cisterciense en diferentes abadías europeas:
Thank you for these recommendations. I am however skeptical about the qualities of the recordings by the Heiligenkreuz monks - they were criticised by chant specialists for not really being "historically informed". They have good voices, but not everything they do is in keeping with what medieval sources imply - that is at least the criticism that I have heard. Whst I am looking for would be a chant ensemble which is very much concentrated or even entirely specialized on the Cistercian repertory and studies medieval sources (including THEORETICAL sources) in order to come close to what the probable performance practice was. The Heiligenkreuz monks seem to rather belong to those "popular" chant groups which do not have enough historical awareness to be regarded as a "specialized" chant ensemble.
Hablando de la abadía de Thoronet... Damien Poisblaud y sus Chantres du Thoronet acaba de sacar un disco sobre este repertorio con un evocador título:
ADF-BAYARD (Studio SM) en colaboración con ARCCIS (l'Association pour le rayonnement de la culture cistercienne) sacó dos CDs recopilatorios del canto cisterciense en diferentes abadías europeas:
Louanges cisterciennes Vol. 1
Louanges cisterciennes Vol. 2
Las grabaciones de los monjes cistercienses de Stift Heiligenkreuz que tanta difusión están teniendo, resultan también bastante interesantes.