T 70115
Les plages :
T 70116
Les plages :
T 70117
Les plages :
T 70118
Les plages :
Nous avons mis à jour la collection complète des quatre disques Christophorus, T 70115 à 70118.
Bonne écoute à tous !
Une très belle trouvaille, en effet! Les autres disques, 70116, 70117 et 70118 seront mis en ligne dans les jours à venir, ainsi que d'autres Shellacs, pour la plupart, assez rares.
Une seule référence à ces disques, comme Jerome F. Weber a très bien indiqué, dans la World's Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music (WERM):
If anyone is unaware of this recording, do not be filled with wonderment. The only place I have ever seen it mentioned is on the very last page of The World's Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music, Supplement III. There, Appendix II lists many 78rpm records on the Christophorus label, which most of us know only in the LP and CD era. The label came to the attention of the compilers only as the book was going to press; the main body of the book closed in March 1956 and the publication date was 1957. A few records in the list were described as having been recorded by Telefunken between 1934 and 1941, presumably never released on that label. The discographer Michael Gray, using the Telefunken matrix numbers on this disc, established that the recording dated from the Fall of 1939. I then used the information supplied by Alberto Diaz-Blanco to enter the four discs into the database in anticipation of hearing them on the present site soon.
Enregistrement d'une très bonne qualité technique pour l'époque...