Since a cyber attack in October 2023, the great service for digital access of material cultural heritage preserved at the British Library is no longer available.
I try to inform you here, when it is back again.
For a note of the library, have a look here:
"Learning lessons from the cyber attack", British Library Cyber Incident Review, 8 March 2024 [PDF]
According to the main page of British Library the digitised manuscripts should be back between April and June!
Thank you for your attention
The first thousand on 3 pages:
Exposition of the medieval woman and not even the manuscript of Hildegard's Ordo virtutum (Add MS 15102) has a link, becaus it had not the privilege to be among the first 1000!
I will check carefully about those links of BL manuscripts published her by me, but I fear none of them are back online!
New personal deadline is October for about 1000 manuscripts:
Will they keep the date this time?
The lesson has not been learnt yet...