15 ans après la mise en ligne du Wichester Troper de la Corpus Christi College (voir ici) la Bodleian Library vient tout juste de mettre en ligne le MS. Bodl. 775 !

Nous regrettons que la mise en ligne soit à partir du microfilm, mais ce manuscrit est enfin accessible à tous.



A propos de ce manuscrit vous pouvez voir ou revoir la série de conférences de Susan Rankin et en particulier la 5ème lecture :


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  • Actually the coloured version is online as well! Here is the permanent link:

    Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. 775

    Here is folio 126 verso, but it has just 5 pages:


    MS. Bodl. 775
    View high resolution digitized images of Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 775
    • Uniquement 5 images couleurs en-lignes...

    • Oui !

      Tu es sûr concernant le tître ? Non Aethelwold Tropaire ?

  • like to think they published this because I complained for years about the availablity of these images. They aren't great but they're something.

    There is one problem everyone should be aware of when using these images: a lot of melisma extend into the gutter of the book and this isn't visible at all in the microfilm copy. The manuscript has been bound very tightly, likely because it had its boards removed in the mid 70s, and this seems to have done some damage. The microfilm was made in 1978 (as far as I can tell), and as such preserves the ms in its tightly bound state. If one refers to the plates in Nicholson 1913, the binding was clearly not as tight at that point. Furthermore, if one examines the staff lines added in to the ms in the early 12th century, they extend right into the gutter at some points, again suggesting that the binding was not so tight at that point.

    • Je vais bientôt traiter les photos de ce manuscrit prises par Solesmes vers 1910.
      Je montrerai les différences avec ces photographies.

    • I didn't know Solesmes had pre-war photos of 775! Those would even predate the plates in Nicholson. Also, apparently the manuscript was repaired in the interwar period--that is probably when it received its modern fly leaves. The fact that Solesmes's photos would pre-date even that is an exciting prospect.


      do keep me posted!

    • J'ai traité hier les photos de Solemes pour le 775, elles sont excellentes !








    • the microfilm is noticeably tighter! Well, I guess there's my confirmation. The issues with the binding are clearly the result of either the removal of the boards in 1975, or the interwar repair. Although it would seem more likely that this was the result of the '70s repair, since it was certainly stressful on the binding.  

      thanks for allowing me to confirm this.

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