The Voice of the Wind
By: Vereno, Michael
Five years ago, my dissertation “Die Stimme des Windes” was published as a book by a German publishing company focusing on Linguistics. As my academic field is that of languages and my private interest that for bagpipes, I was lucky to be able to combine those two and thereby create a thorough study of the history of bagpipes from the perspective of language. My thinking was: If no early specimens of bagpipes survive and iconography fails us, language is the only thing we can turn to on our quest for answers.
Well, there is this gem. Admitrtedly the only one from antiquity that I ever came across. However, it is (unless proved a fake) a typicly Hellenistic, I'd say definitely not later than 4-5th century, carving.
I myself am open minded about this whole thing. Since this is the ONLY known cdepiction, well, possibly it IS a fake. But I am no specialist.