
  • Je suis en train de transcrire plusieurs pièces du Huelgas pour un concert de mon ensemble. Après examen, il me semble que les options rythmiques de Anglès sont souvent étranges. L'édition d' Anderson quant à elle pèche par de nombreuses fautes, à peine croyable pour une édition soi-disant scientifique !

    Si quelqu'un possède une copie virtuelle des articles de Bell, Arlt et Anderson cités ci-dessus, je serai ravi d'en avoir copie !

  • Merci à vous tous pour vos réponses !

  • Of course, the Anderson article...

    Pour le cas especifique de Las Huelgas il est très utile:

     ARLT, Wulf, “À propos des notations pragmatiques: le cas du codex Las Huelgas”, Actas del Simposium Internacional “El Códice de Las Huelgas y su tiempo”. (Cuenca, 1987), Revista de Musicología  XIII, 1990, nº 2, p. 401-419

    et aussi:

    BELL, Nicolas, The Las Huelgas Music Codex. A Companion study to the facsimile, Scriptorium collection, ed. Testimonio, Madrid, 2003

  • Classic article! I was trying to remember which article Anderson had written on Las Huelgas, but the memory is not the best after 11.00 pm. Couldn't get past Tischler's and Dittmer's articles.

  • You can also look at Anderson's article on the notation of Bamberg & Las Huelgas - it too could stand a bit of updating, but I found his references helpful:

    The Notation of the Bamberg and Las Huelgas Manuscripts 

    Author(s): Gordon A. Anderson 

    Source: Musica Disciplina, Vol. 32 (1978), pp. 19-67 

  • Oops, sent my response before realising Juan Carlos Asensio had posted his valuable response. Note, Colette et al. 2003 are more focussed on historical developments - not too much detail about details of transcription as rightly required by their focus.

  • Briefly, Willi Apel's The Notation of Polyphonic Music (1953), fr. translation Le Notation de le musique polyphonique (1998) remains useful, although some of it is a little (or even very) outdated concerning these two sources - watch out for Apel's quadruplets/quintuplets in Pn 146! Other handbooks by Carl Parrish or Richard Rastall are useful, although less detailed. Reading some contemporary music treatises now in modern edition and some detailed discussion of notation: St Emmeram Anonymous and Franco of Cologne are a good starting point for Las Huelgas, as well as Anderson's introduction (see below). Paris 146 is a little trickier, esp. interpretation of semibreves.

    I should probably note that both sources exist in transcription, part of Paris 146 in the Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century, monophonic repertoire in a Mediaeval Institute (Ottawa) publication; Gordon Anderson transcribed Las Huelgas (there is a older transcription by Higini Angles):

    Anderson, Gordon Athol, ed. 1982. The Las Huelgas Manuscript, Burgos, Monasterio de las Huelgas. 2 vols. Vol. 79, Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology.

    Note, however, the interpretation of conductus rhythm proposed by Anderson has been largely discarded by current scholarship, although the mensural notation of several conductus in Hu represents an interesting case that has a history of scholarship behind it.
    That's all for now.
  • Merci beaucoup Juan Carlos !!!

  • Cher Domiquiue:

    Le livre clasique de

    APEL, Willi The notation of Polyphonic Music 900-1600. The medieval Academy of America. Cambridge, Massachusets, 1953

    , et aussi un autre de 

    PARRISH, Carl, The notation of Medieval Music, Pendragon Press, N Y, 1957.


    COLETTE, M.-N., POPPIN, M., & VENDRIX, Ph., Histoire de la notation du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance, Centre d’Études Superiéures de la Renaissance, Musique ouverte, Minerve, 2003

    CORBIN, S. & PATIER, D., Précis de Paléographie Musicale. La notation pré-Franconienne. s. l., (ejemplar mecanografiado) 1982.

    CORBIN, S. & PATIER, D., Précis de Paléographie Musicale. La notation Franconienne. s. l., (ejemplar mecanografiado) 1982.

    Por les cas ponctuelles du Huelgas, il y a articles de Wulf Arlt, Nicolas Bell et autres...

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