I think that we should found a center for the study and performance of Gregorian chant in Reichenau
(http://www.reichenau-tourismus.de/): St. Gall and the Campus Galli of Messkirch (http://www.campus-galli.de/) are not far and will probably also provide possibilities for the performance and study of plainchant in the future - so we could connect all three places in a sort of network. The church of St. Georg on Reichenau (http://www.kirchen-online.org/kirchen--kapellen-rund-um-den-bodensee-d-a-ch/reichenau-2-st-georg.php) would be a very convenient place for plainchant concerts and meetings. I am thinking of concerts which aim at really trying out performance practice informations which are taken directly from notational and theoretical sources and which would then be dicussed with musicologists and explained to the audience. It would be good to have at least one plainchant ensemble consisting of at least 7 men which concentrates on this and which can be expanded, depending on the repertory, with boys or "boyish" sopranos and with other men's voices. Concerts could then also be recorded and be made available as audio/video files and/or as CDs/DVDs.