I would like to suggest that a database with ALL transcribed melodies of Old Roman chant should be put up in the WWW - with links to the scanned sources and comments (for instance about related melodies in other chant repertories etc.). Old Roman chant should be performed on a REGULAR basis by a specialized group of at least 7 singers on the PROPER feast days in Rome - especially in the following churches: S. Clemente, S. Maria in Cosmedin, S. Saba, S. Maria in Trastevere, S. Prassede, S. Costanza, S. Sabina, S. Stefano Rotondo, S. Pietro in Vincoli, S. Lorenzo fuori le mura, Santi Quattro Coronati. There should also be regular "chant festivals" around this repertory in Rome: It's TOO important and TOO beautiful to be so neglected, as it largely really is!

All informations about performance practice details which could be valuable for this repertory (also taking into account sources for other chant repertories) should be collected and be tried out in performance by the specialized ensemble - and eventually this ensemble should make a series of recordings with ALL Old Roman chants. Recordings could then also be linked with the database of melodies so that one can read and hear the melodies at the same time.

I would consider a very supple, smooth way of singing melismas, singing high notes with somewhat reduced volume as an absolute prerequisite for such a specialized ensemble for Old Roman chant.

The "orientalizing" way of singing this repertory with extremely low pitches and strange ornaments, as was done by the Ensemble Organum, is in my view extremely unlikely - and it simply sounds "wrong" to me. So

such "fancies" should not be found on a  new series of recordings of this repertory: the ensemble should stick to what is in keeping with WESTERN sources, what sounds beautiful, clear, supple.

I hope all of this can - at last! - be realized and be integrated into my CD collection!

Christoph Dohrmann

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  • Christoph: don't underestimate a thirty-year work of Marcel Peres in the subject of this repertoireI was in the audience of Ensemble Organum "concert" (a cycle of masses) when Old Roman Chant was performed and that was a really remarkable moment in my (musical) life. You could hear a pin drop between individual parts. That concert was broadcasted on polish radio, I've got it recorded if anyone's interested.

  • Dear frind,

    I proposed what you have just written some years ago to the Roman Municipality; I'm still waiting for an answer...

    Better not to think what could be the reaction of the Church: I don't know if there's a second chrrch -. other than SS.ma Trinità dei Pellegrini - Cappella Personale di S. Santità - where is regularly held a Missa in Rito Antiquo, with Gregorian chant for Polyphony...

    I think it shoud be done in all the churches you wrote (not in S. Maria in Cosmedin where is used a Melchita Liturgy); and a lot more... I hope in the future !


                                                     Fabrizio Mastroianni

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