May 1
Intérêt principal (principal interest)
Chants des ordres religieux
Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)
The ensemble, founded in 2006, is composed by two founding members, Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli, plus a variable group of intrumentalists and singers, coming from all over the world. It is interested in studying repertoire from Middle Ages and Renaissance and, as common purpose, it tries to restore the praxis and ‘spirit’ which fostered ancient music by critically investigating theoretical, iconographic, documenting sources. It applies what has been discovered directly on the matching, contemporaneous repertoire, transmitted in written form up to present day. Further, by a comparative research through different musical, still alive traditions, the group attempts to draw up the religious, Latin, western repertoire to a sounding archetype that seems to associate the most important musical expressions on the Mediterranean sea (Byzantine, Near East, North African music), that keep still nowadays a large part of musical knowledge completely entrusted to orality.
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