Dear colleagues,
I have tried to track down this sequence but without success. Could someone maybe help me with it? Or suggest where to search. I already checked the AH-database and Clavis sequentiarum within the Cantus database.
It is notated as a later addition (presumably in the early 14th ct) on the last folio of the Dominican summer antiphoner kept in Split, Croatia, of unknown provenance - possibly Dalmatian, but could be North Italian as well. It doesn't, of course, belong to the core repertory of the Dominican sequentiary.
Since the part of the folio is cut out, only first three strophes are complete. In the attachment you can see both the original and my transcription.
Christiana* plebs letetur
regi summo moduletur
iubilans feliciter.
Saulus pridem lupus magnus
Paulus factus est et agnus
serviens humiliter.
Christi domus eruditor
precentorum exauditor
illustrator mentium.
* The initial letter in the manuscript is missing, so I hope I offered a correct reading.
I forgot to say, regarding melody, I managed to identified it: it the same one, Dominican, as used both for the Marian sequence Ave virgo gloriosa, AH 54-277, and for the one used in the feasts of St. Dominic In caelesti ierarchia, AH 55-115.