




Intérêt principal (principal interest)

Chants des ordres religieux

Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)

Hrvoje Beban obtained his MA in Musicology at the University of Zagreb. From 2009 to 2017 he taught courses in early music history and notation of early music at the Musicology department of the same university as an assistant lecturer. Currently he is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz (supervisor: Prof. Dr. theol. Franz Karl Prassl). His dissertation on medieval Dominican chant is focused on the comparative repertory analysis of the antiphonaries of Croatian, i.e. Dalmatian provenance. He has published articles on manuscript sources of both medieval Dominican and twentieth-century (liturgical) chant. The main fields of my research interest are: music of the middle ages, Croatian medieval chant sources, Dominican chant, notation of early music and early music sources in general.

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  • L'été 2009 je suis allé en Croatie pour une tournée de concerts avec l'ensemble Trecanum et j'ai photographié un graduel et un antiphonaire au couvent des Dominicains de Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik Samostan sv. Dominika, Knjižnica Ms 88 et Ms 90) aussi j'ai photographié l'antiphonaire de Korcula (Korčula, Opatska riznica sv. Marka, Antiphonarium XII)

  • Bienvenue sur Musicologie Médiévale !!!
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Activity Feed

Hrvoje Beban replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Unedited sequence Christiana plebs letetur?
"I forgot to say, regarding melody, I managed to identified it: it the same one, Dominican, as used both for the Marian sequence Ave virgo gloriosa, AH 54-277, and for the one used in the feasts of St. Dominic In caelesti ierarchia, AH 55-115."
Nov 26, 2020
Hrvoje Beban replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Laudes regiae in the 20th century
"Dear colleagues, 
thank you very much for sharing your papers with me! 
I apologize for the late reply. I somehow missed your posts here."
Aug 3, 2014
Neil Moran replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Laudes regiae in the 20th century
"cf. N. Moran, Zwei Herrscherakklamationen in einer griechischen Handschrift aus S..., Publication Date: 1977
Publication Name: Die Musikforschung 30


Cantori bizantini: L'archetipo del coro di angelimore, Publication Date: 2011, Publication…"
Jul 14, 2014
Jerome F. Weber replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Laudes regiae in the 20th century
"I have the pages you desire, attached below. The first is the composition by Aloys Kunc (1882). The other is similar in melody but not in text to the Cantus Selecti edition. You are no doubt familiar with my paper in *Cantus Planus 2006.*…"
Jul 11, 2014
Père Anselme replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Laudes regiae in the 20th century
"Numquam inveni scriptam versionem aliam ac restitutio solesmensis.
Nisi memoria fallor, nova restitutio ex manuscriptis et secundum textum paulo differentem confecta est : ad registrationem (CD), quae sub nomine "CHANT WARS" (Sequentia + Dialogos)…"
May 18, 2014
Hrvoje Beban replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Laudes regiae in the 20th century
"Dear Pere Anselme, 
thank You very much for Your answer! Do You maybe know, is this the same version of Laudes regiae as found in Chants Divers?  Père Anselme a dit :
Invenitur versio moderna pro LAUDIBUS REGIIS etiam in libro "Cantus Selecti"…"
May 18, 2014
Père Anselme replied to Hrvoje Beban's discussion Laudes regiae in the 20th century
"Invenitur versio moderna pro LAUDIBUS REGIIS etiam in libro "Cantus Selecti" (Solesmes),
in paginis : 263* et sequentibus (n°230)
Vide : hic.
Vale !"
May 16, 2014
Hrvoje Beban left a comment for Karin Lagergren
"A lot of downloadable materials and books there's also on the following web-page:
http://dominican-liturgy.blogspot.com/ (see the left column!)
All the best, 
Jan 23, 2012
Hrvoje Beban left a comment for Karin Lagergren
"Dear Karin, 
there's one recent book concerning Dominican liturgy & chant:
"Aux origines de la liturgie dominicaine"
Link: http://www.cnrseditions.fr/Histoire-medievale/629-Aux-origines-litu...

P.S. I'm also interested in Dominican chant…"
Jan 22, 2012
Hrvoje Beban left a comment for Elsa De Luca
"Nice to see you here, all the best from Zagreb!
Hrvoje "
Nov 21, 2011
Hrvoje Beban left a comment for Dominique Gatté
"Thank you very much for answering my request so quickly! "
Nov 9, 2011