



Kitchener, ON

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Grégorien, Manuscrits (paléographie)

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Debra Lacoste replied to alicia santos's discussion Kielce, Biblioteka Kapituły Katedralnej, Ms. 1
"Thank you Bartosz Izbicki for your reply. I thought of you right away when I saw this question.  All the best!"
Feb 4, 2017
Debra Lacoste replied to Dominique Crochu's discussion Etude monumentale sur les versets de répons in Répertoires liturgiques
"Wonderful! I am very interested in taking a closer look at your work. Thank you for making it available here!"
Apr 7, 2016
Gillian Lander commented on Debra Lacoste's blog post new CANTUS website
"I have downloaded entire databases of information about a manuscript - in undifferentiated text, and this drew upon ALL my computer skills to turn into usable data."
Jul 16, 2011
Gillian Lander commented on Debra Lacoste's blog post new CANTUS website
"Brilliant ! Its format has been so out of date, and was in grave danger of becoming so outmoded as to be unusable. All that workgone to waste. MySQL is just what it needs, and a good graphic capacity too !"
Jul 16, 2011
Franz Karl PRASSL commented on Debra Lacoste's blog post new CANTUS website
Jul 16, 2011