Wouldn't it be great to found a festival for Ars subtilior music in Avignon? - Concerts, symposia, exhibitions etc. could be combined. And for all the interested people who cannot attend events, some of these could be recorded and be published on the site of the festival as audio/video files and perhaps even be produced as CD/DVDs.
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Bonsoir, je reviens sur le sujet; c'est un formidable projet, les lieux et la riche architecture gothique avignonaise s'y prêtent admirablement, de nombreux concerts et chorégraphies autour de l'ars subtilior s'y sont succédés (Orlando Consort, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker etc); les salles dotées d'une excellente acoustique ne manquent pas, voire les cours intérieures des livrées cardinalices, des palais privés, et des cloîtres qui ont vu défiler ces artistes incarnant à merveille ce courant musical. à suivre donc, si les mécènes bien inspirés pointent leurs nez sur ce site. Si ce festival voit le jour, je serai l'un des plus fidèles spectateurs. Amicalement.![9126783059?profile=original](https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/9126783059?profile=original)
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Of course, if we can "built" this project, it will be open on differents aspects of the papal theocraty, historic, architectecture and .....music.
Yes indeed.
It has been widely shown that Clement VI raised the Pontifical Chapel to the "capital" of the music during a short but critical period. So, this should not be considered as a 'local' or 'regional' music colloquium, but as a colloquium addressing a key period of the occidental music as a whole.
That sounds like a great idea!
That would be a sensational project! I would be game...
Ce serait un project superbe. J'espère qu'il verra le jour. AA
Anne Azéma a dit :
Julien FERRANDO a dit :
Dear Christophe,
I Works actually on a permanent exhibition on music of the Time of popes in the Avignon palace. The projet was also in few times, to made concerts... but it's very difficult to find à financing....
in a second time i hope to built a musicological congress on music, political use on the Avignon court, My university (Aix Marseille université)...could be .in the project.....
Thanks a lot