3 Bréviaire de Sainte-Sophie de Bénévent (BAV Vat.lat.4928) Posted by Dominique Gatté on June 8, 2019 at 13:14 Citta del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica VaticanaVat.lat.4928 Notice de Dom Pierre Salmon Views: 114 You need to be a member of Musicologie Médiévale to add comments! Join Musicologie Médiévale Tags: bav, beneventana, benevento, manuscrits Email me when people reply – Follow
Merci Thomas pour ce rappel !
Edition of "Breviarium sive ordo officiorum" with description of MS in Thomas Forrest Kelly, The Ordinal of Montecassino and Benevento,SPicilegium Friburgense 45, Fribourg, 2008.