We are pleased to announce the publication of The Music of the Beneventan Rite, edited by Thomas Forrest Kelly and Matthew Peattie, Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi, 9 (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2016).
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Bärenreiter does no longer employ lectors since decades, the quality of this edition is entirely the work of Matthew Peattie's team. It probably explains the considerable amount of time, they needed to publish it.
Bärenreiter does no longer employ lectors since decades, the quality of this edition is entirely the work of Matthew Peattie's team. It probably explains the considerable amount of time, they needed to publish it.
Congratulations that it is finally done!
It's a great news indeed; but, as usually the Bärenreiter books, it does a frightening amount. Perhaps they think we're all nabobs.
Formidable !
Merci !!!
Magnifique !
Père Guilmard