Groupe d'échange sur le répertoire wisigothique/mozarabe

Administrateurs du groupe:

Juan Carlos ASENSIO

Dominique GATTE







36 Members
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Un nouveau fragment hispanique noté (+ un autre frg)

  C'est avec grand bonheur que je découvre ce jour un nouveau fragment pour le répertoire hispanique ancien, non repertorié dans la litérature. Ce fragment est un bifolio enregistré à la Bibliothèque royale de Bruxelles sous la cote ms. IV 945 / 1 :   Afin d'améliorer la lecture des neumes et du texte effacé, j'ai amélioré une partie de l'image avec Gigapixel, je vous invite très fortement à utiliser ce programme pour une meilleur lecture de vos manuscrits difficiles à lire :     Aussi, dans…

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1 Reply · Reply by Emily Wride Jul 6

Vespers for Euphemia

On the Octave of Saint Euphemia's feast here a recording of the Vespers we sang last Saturday in the Amsterdam church Papegaai (Parrot). We sang eight reconstructions of chants from the León antiphoner. In the video all chants were synchronized with the manuscript images. It is superfluous to note that, with the possible exception of Ricossa's melodies, we absolutely do not pretend we sang the lost melodies. It's all just a moment in an interesting journey of discovery. …

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    Medieval Iberian Cultural Identity:

    The manuscript record


    The ‘Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estetica Medieval’ (CESEM) and the ‘Instituto de Estudos Medievais’ (IEM) of the Nova University of Lisbon organize two interdisciplinary sessions at the 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, May 10-13, 2018). The sessions are intended for scholars interested in Iberian manuscripts and working in areas such as Musicology, Art History, History, Literature, Codicology and Palaeography, and Material studies.

    In the two sessions we will explore the concept of cultural identity/identities in Medieval Iberia as revealed by the manuscript record. We plan to engage with the topic from two complementary points of view. On one hand, we discuss how medieval Iberian identities - here understood as specific institutions, communities etc. - were shaped by merging traditions, models and ideas inherited from the past with influences coming either from the surroundings or more distant areas. On the other hand, the results from the previous discussion are intended to become the basis to further discuss in a broader sense the bigger picture of "medieval Iberian identity".


    The subject will be investigated as seen through the lenses of the surviving Iberian-related manuscripts, including both those produced in the Iberian Peninsula and those arrived from elsewhere but which became, at a certain point, part of the local intellectual history. Case studies centred on single sources and local institutions/communities will contribute to define the specificity of the medieval Iberian cultural heritage. The two proposed sessions have an interdisciplinary soul since manuscripts will be investigated from a broad perspective: historical milieu, music, decoration, liturgy, use(s), literary contents etc.


    Organizers: Elsa De Luca (Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Alicia Miguélez (Instituto de Estudos Medievais, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)


    We invite proposals that focus on one or more of the following subjects:


    -          How manuscript(s) influenced and contributed to consolidate the concept of ‘medieval Iberian cultural identity’, with a focus on texts / arts / history

    -          The circulation of manuscripts within the Iberian Peninsula and the reception and integration of manuscripts in the Peninsula coming from other geographical contexts

    -          How medieval Iberian cultural identity changed in time and space

    -          Iberian manuscript studies, from production to use: materials and techniques


    The deadline for sending the proposals is September 15, 2017. Please send your proposal (up to 300 words), CV and Participant Information Form (available here) to Alicia Miguélez ( or Elsa De Luca (

  • Dear Everyone,

    I would like to bring your attention to the Interdisciplinary Workshop "Palaeography of Old Hispanic Manuscripts: Music, Text and Beyond" which will be held in Lisbon on 4th May 2017.

    Further info and the programme of the day can be found here.

    All best,

    Elsa De Luca

  • Note à rappeler pouvant être utile : le titre de référence bibliographique"Antifonario visigotico de la catedral de Leon" a été remplacé par " (Liber ) Antiphonarium de toto anni circulo ..." pour le fac- similé couleur et pour le Cd à prix très attractif en vente sur internet . Autre avantage, le codex VIII est reproduit entièrement avec les premières pages pour la première fois .

  • Cher Dominique!


    belle initiative celle du chant soi disant mozarabique. Je vous previens que je suis en train de construire und WEBPAGE avec le documents visigotiques plus significatives, soit des manuscrits du chant, soit des documents diplomatiques en relation avec le changement du rit.

    Je vous tiens au courant.

    Bien cordialement,

    Susana Zapke


  • Merci de bien vouloir mettre les nouvelles discussions dans le forum du groupe :

  • Je suis intéressé à une échange en générale, et en spéciale:

    - les rélations entre la modalité du chant mozarabe et le système des tubū' établi par Ziryab et son école à Córdoba

    - l'influence de l'Andalouse à la liturgie normande en Sicile

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