Amplificate oblationem | Canto Visigótico

Today we uploaded the longest sacrificium of the mozarabic rite. It is a sketch of our first melodic solution for the neumatic notation of the sacrificium for the feast of Justus and Pastor (August 6) as preserved in the early tenth-century León antiphoner.

The chant is famous for its melisma’s on “organum”, “modos” and “melos”. It also served as the major example in Rebecca Maloy’s great JAMS article “Old Hispanic Chant and the Early History of Plainsong” (2014).

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  • Dear Geert

    You are in good company. Being cancelled as a whole channel also happened to France Soir in France and Byoblu in Italy (these two with a collection of interviews during the last 15 years!!!), Rubikon News and KenFM in Germany. Some very few professional magazines (I do not make any longer a difference between mainstream and alternative media, because the former have become unreliable liars which nobody could quote since the last 15 years) are still those left who have something to say. I think we can just say there is propaganda (this job is very close to publicity) and there is journalism (and journalism is always about the truth, even if one cannot know it one must try to look for it, and not turning people against their own interests). Adds are so aggressive nowadays that I dare to say this profession has become indecent!

    Nevertheless, 2020 was worse than any other year before, I also left the press like "Die Zeit", because the people who work there, do not longer appreciate journalism and critical exchange. During the last decades it was a ritual for me (although an irregular one) to buy the print of "Die Zeit" and to read ("Politics" was always rather weak, but "Science" excellent and  "Dossier" included journalistic investigations of scandals like the Barschel Affaire which was a shameful scandal of West-Germany short before the fall of the wall!). The aristocratic mentor Gräfin Marion Dönhoff must have turned in her grave during the last months.

    The last thing she wrote in "Die Zeit", before she retired, was about politicians who waste the taxpayers' money! I think I will never buy this newspaper again, because they decided to support this kind of politicians. They thought they were better than their colleagues at RT Deutsch and they have proved that they are even worse! It is the famous "Hypocrisy comes before you fall!" to translate an idiomatic expression from German.

    I hope that these brainwashing totalitarian tendencies will stay away from this network... Here we should have the courage to stay as controversial as we used to be, even if it might have moved some discussions to facebook.

  • Here a new link to this video: Amplificate oblationem 

    On 7 May 2021, YouTube deleted my channel, that I started in 2007 and which had about 80 chant video's and 200 video's on the crisis of March 2020. My channel had 7000 subscribers.

    I was told that I violated "community guidelines", probably due to the fact that most of my video's exposed a view on the pandemic that is not in line with governments, mainstream media, bigtech and bigpharma.

    To me this is a clear sign that "the free West" has become a fiction. In a free society censorship should not be the response to dissent. Instead dissent should be a reason for debate in order to see which view has best arguments supporting the facts. However, we increasingly see a criminalisation of dissent. Dissenting voices are even labelled as "domestic terrorists".

    Needless to say that the majority view not necessarily represents the truth. A clear example to the contrary is given by the discussion about the centre of the universe. Ptolemy (100-170) saw the earth as the centre. Since Copernicus (1473-1543) science preferred the sun as the centre. Copernicus views were suppressed for two centuries. Today the relevant two competing views are: 1. A natural pandemic causing death and destruction, and: 2. A power grab doing the same in order to build a new world order.

    My chant videos (gregorian, mozarabic, ambrosian and others) are still available here:

    My video's on the crisis are still available here:

    So everybody can decide for himselve whether GooTube's action is legitimate.

    Amplificate oblationem | Canto Visigótico
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