I recently looked through the digital edition of the Tübingen „Hausbuch“.
(Tübinger Hausbuch; Iatromathematisches Kalenderbuch / Die Kunst der Astronomie und Geomantie
Papier - 325 Bl. - 38,5×41,4 cm - Ulm ? - 3rd quarter, 15th c.
Digital edition:
On fol. 39v there is a picture of a hurdy-gurdy with a curious detail.
The the lower End of the drawing shows a part of a segmented bridge or an tailpiece. While the drawing ist rather roughly executed, some details are present (5 pegs, 5 strings, string cover, indication of the dimensional structure of the neck/pegbox).
There is a small diamond shape on the left part of the Brigde/Tailpiece, which seems to be a little differently executed.
If the lower part is interpreted as a „bridge in comb shape“, the diamond shape could be interpreted as a buzzing brigde. Since this drawing roughly belongs to the same period as the The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch, this might well be another early depiction of a buzzing bridge on a hurdy-gurdy.
Any suggestions? …