Versus in laude Sancti Benedicti

Nous pouvons voir dans le manuscrit BPL 71 de la Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit de Leiden un vers de Paul Diacre noté : Ordiar unde tuos sacer.

NL-Lu BPL 71

XI/XII - Nord de la France/Belgique. Pauli Diaconi Historia Longobardorum. - ex Flavii Iosephi Antiquitatibus Iudaicis excerptum. - Calixti Papae Capitula in Concilio Remensi. - de Tribus Mariis. - ex Flavis Iosepho excerptum.

9v Versus in laude Sancti Benedicti (Paul Diacre) : Ordiar unde tuos sacer, notation neumatique française

Quelqu'un aurait-il d'autres exemples de vers de Paul Diacre notés ?

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  • 9126837301?profile=original

    Après quelques recherches, j'ai découvert une troisième source neumée du versus in laude Sancti Benedicti de Paul Diacre

    Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana

    Ms Plut 16.28.

    Cette source donne un plus grand nombre de vers notés

  • Thank you Dominique. There is also a source in Ms. Montecassino, Archvio dell'Abbazia, 272. See:

    Un carme di Paolo Diacono in onore di s. Benedetto nel ms. Montecassino, Archivio dell’Abbazia, 272
    Tangari, Nicola
  • Thanks Sam, yes indeed :

    Sam Barrett said:

    Many thanks, Dominique.   It is not one that I had previously known.  Susan Boynton discusses another notation for this poem in ch. 1 of her book, Shaping a Monastic Identity.

    Shaping a Monastic Identity
    During the eleventh and early twelfth centuries, the imperial abbey of Farfa was one of the most powerful institutions on the Italian peninsula. In t…
  • Many thanks, Dominique.   It is not one that I had previously known.  Susan Boynton discusses another notation for this poem in ch. 1 of her book, Shaping a Monastic Identity.

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