Dear friends:
this image draws my attention , King David with an aerophone (but it appears his string instrument, too)
Regadless what kind of instrumet is that and focusing in the iconographical aspect, what do you thing that king David plays a wind instrument? It is not very common...
The source is this:
It says:
David, a New Hope
After offering a sacrifice to the Lord, Samuel sanctifies Jesse and his sons. The priest asks the Lord to identify the chosen one, but he is not among the sons. "Are all the young men here?" Samuel asks. "There remains yet the youngest," replies Jesse, "and there he is, keeping the sheep." On a nearby hillock, David sits playing his pipe and ringing a bell. A dog, seven sheep, and three goats surround him. His favorite instrument, the harp, leans against a tree. (I Samuel 16:5–11)
Dear Manuel,
David is depicted also with other wind instrument. Clothed in linen ephod, he plays buisine before arch, as is written in II.Sam. 6/14,15: “Porro David erat accinctus ephod lineo. Et David et omnis domus Israel ducebant arcam Domini in iubilo et in clangore bucinae.“
Czech Republic, Rajhrad, Benedictine Library, Breviarium Benedictinum, Ms.: R 355, fol. 89v
Psalterium Breviari Cisterciensis 1323,
in the last picture, he also carry a hurdy-gurdy! I think that, together with the recorder (the harp being a proper David's attribute), these intruments have to be considered as attributs of a minstrel's status...
The association three-holes flute + little bell is not so rare in the iconography. We also find frestel (pan flute) - bell, as sheperd's musical attribute. And also three-holes flute + triangle (I don't manage to remember which are the iconographies). About this association flute/bell, maybe we should think about a symbolic link sheperd-church, sheperd-biblic episode or sheperd-music?...
Unknown... Some idea?
thank you for this picture.
David is playing a 3 holes flute. I am surprised that, with his right hand, he plays a little bell
instead of a drum. Somebody has an explanation ?
I wonder if the use of a flute would just mean that David is a shepherd. In another picture ("Histoire de la Bible"), you can see him playing a recorder. You will find it here:
14 Histoire de la Bible [Story of the Bible] Samuel Speaks to David...