Edition en ligne :
Corpus Troporum X. Tropes du propre de la messe 5: Fétes des Saints et de la Croix et de la Transfiguration
Abstract :
The present Corpus Troporum edition, CT X, volumes A and B, contains the tropes of the proper of the Mass for the feasts of the Saints, of the Holy Cross and of the Transfiguration. The edition (Proper tropes number 5) is part of the editorial program of the Corpus Troporum and completes the cycles of proper tropes of Christmas (CT I), of Easter (CT III) and of The Blessed Virgin Mary (CT IX).
Tropes are Latin chants--words and music--embellishing the Medieval mass chants; those of the proper concern the antiphons of the moveable feasts. Their verses were sung as introductions to and interpolations between those of the introit, the offertory and the communion.
The edition comprises 1,662 trope units (called éléments ) and is based on 134 manuscripts written throughout Europe, the majority dating from the tenth through the twelfth centuries, but some even later.
Volume A contains a general introduction explaining the principles of the edition and analyzing various problems. The feasts and the calendar as well as the antiphons are discussed. Special chapters take up the complicated story of the Saint Martial tropes in the Limoges manuscripts as well as the strange offertory hymn-like trope
Solve lingua. For each antiphon a system of tables shows all trope elements in each manuscript source, in the exact order of their occurrence. Here also the versification of elements is indicated. A detailed text commentary follows, in which philological, liturgical, and other relevant questions are discussed. Several difficult texts are translated into French. Three different indexes show the interrelations: which saints are found in which manuscripts, which antiphons and verses belong to which saints, which verses are linked to which antiphons, etc. A selection of tropes, “Tropi Selecti”, presents the particular tradition of single manuscript sources. There is also a map showing the origin/provenance of the manuscripts, and thirteen facsimiles from manuscripts and a select bibliography complete this volume.
Volume B contains the proper edition: the Latin trope texts of Saints appear as elements in alphabetical order, with an apparatus showing all the variant readings, with cross references to tropes, with parallel passages, above all scriptural and liturgical ones, and with references to extant published editions. Also trope texts appearing without musical notation in the manuscripts are identified. Five special sections complete the edition of tropes : 1) The Holy Cross, 2) The Transfiguration, 3) a few supplementary saints’ tropes 4) the tropes from Santiago de Compostela, and 5) texts of uncertain genre. An additional section, the addenda et corrigenda, contains tropes which ought to have been included in earlier editions.
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