Nous venons de recevoir la triste nouvelle du décès de Michel Huglo.
Le réseau Musicologie Médiévale présente ses condoléances à Barbara Haggh et à tous ses proches.
Michel Huglo sera toujours dans nos mémoires comme l'un des plus grands savants de la musicologie médiévale.
Michel Huglo (1921-2012)
For those who are interested in the studies of Michel Huglo:
Barbara Haggh-Huglo published a compilation of chronological bibliographies dedicated to him (
Unfortunately I could not be in Rome for last Sunday afternoon for the IMS conference when a memorial in honour of Michel Huglo was held, so I will leave here some words which are more dedicated to Michel's contribution to musicology with respect to our research in future. I finish this post with a selected bibliography for those who are still not familiar with his studies and who might be curious about them.
In 1975 a question about center and periphery was raised by Wulf Arlt concerning the innovations of the Aquitanian school during the 11th and 12th century. Michel Huglo did answer it in 1982—by an essay dedicated to the early Parisian Organum which had its focus on certain Abbeys under Cluniac influence around to the Île de la Cité. Despite the fact that the answer to Wulf Arlt's question was quite simple, he anticipated a later controversy about the role of the Cluniac Monastic Association in church and political history—among historians who discussed the book of Dominique Iogna-Prat "Ordonner et exclure: Cluny et la société chrétienne face à l’hérésie, au judaïsme et à l’islam, 1000-1150" (Paris, 1998). Another seven years passed by, since Bryan Gillingham tried to answer the question concerning the impact of the Association concerning liturgical reforms of at least two centuries. Some poor recensions of this book made clear, that there are still musicologists who ignore the recent studies of church history since the 90s.
If we apply this knowledge to another field which had been mainly established by Michel, the comparative studies of tonaries, we will certainly get an easier and simpler view on the various segments of the sources and their local traditions as those of Michel. Nevertheless, Michel gave us several studies which were dedicated to the various traditions of Western plainchant (not only Old-Roman and Gallican, but also Mozarabic, Ravenna, and Ambrosian chant), which cannot not simply be understood as "Gregorian chant".
Michel's studies around the Missa greca at St Denis and the diplomatic relationship between the Carolingian and Byzantine emperors and his study (together with his wife Barbara) of the particular repertory of the Magnus liber F showed us, that there is no music manuscript and no liturgical reform which can be understood without a profound study of political and of church history.
Michel was against the popular view on the Latin Middle Ages, which tries to deny any influence from outside. He had vivid correspondences with Kenneth Levy (Sanctus), Egon Wellesz (Kontakion), Oliver Strunk (Comparative studies of psalmody), and Walter Berschin (Byzantine legacies at the Carolingian Court), and he contributed to their Byzantinistic topics with own original contributions.
Dear Barbara,
The entire musicological world is grieving the loss of, as many people have put it, a giant. But you must also grieve the loss of a dear husband. I remember how kind he was to me on several occasions, giving me hints to follow up for my thesis, and smiling in greeting at conferences. I add my sincere sympathies to that of so many others here...
Journal La Croix : Mort de Michel Huglo, un des grands spécialistes du chant grégorien
Avec toutes mes prières et mes sincères condoléances à Barbara Haggh .
Je suis triste d'apprendre cette nouvelle. Rencontré qu'une seule fois à l'EPHE à Paris, sa pensée et ses écrits m'ont toujours accompagné et continueront à m'inspirer et à m'instruire, merci infiniment.
Mes sincères condoléances à Barbara Haggh.
Encore à Vienne l'été dernier, Michel, plein de projets et ne croyait probablement pas, je cite "se casser la pipe" aussi vite ! Mais il part noblement, dans la force de l'âge avec un oeuvre accomplie...
Condoléances à Barbara et à toute la famille Huglo et soutien dans les prières
Jean-François Goudesenne et la section de musicologie & liturgie de l'IRHT
Dear Dr. Haggh:
I am very, very sorry to hear about the loss of Professor Huglo. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt condolences. I feel privileged to have had the chance to meet him at Cantus Planus at AMS.
Bibiana Gattozzi
It is very sad to learn of the loss of an outstanding and long-serving figure in medieval music studies. Our thoughts are with Professor Haggh-Huglo
Avec toute ma prière pour Michel que j'ai rencontré lors du Congrès International de Grégorien à Paris en 1985. Pour sa bienveillance envers mes travaux sur le responsorial GREG que je commençais alors....