HK en concert au Kilowatt - Fête de l'Humanité 2020

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Important links

International initiatives:

Police for Freedom inernational

Worldwide Exit the WHO

Real not rare (International portal of adverse events)

No more silence! (stories of vaccine deaths and adverse events @ lost world outpost)

React 19 (Science-based support for people suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine effects)

World Council for Health (The Great Freeset)

Grand Jury: the Court of Public Opinion

International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)

Global information about collateral damages caused by WHO

The Great Barrington Declaration (PANDA)

World Freedom Alliance (World Doctors Alliance)

International Tribunal for Natural Justice

Medical Freedom International (UK)

Children's Health Defense (Europe)

European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV)

New Media Portal


American initiatives:

Children's Health Defense (USA)

‘The People's Testaments’ with Stephanie Locricchio (CHD.TV)

The Texas team "Humanity Lawsuit"

Physicians for informed consent (PIC)

America's frontline doctors

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency


Australian initiatives: 

Reignite Democracy Australia

Reignite World Freedom

Australian National Review

Children's Health Defense Australia


Austrian initiatives:

ZAAVV (private initiative of Austrian, Swiss and German physicians)

Polizisten für Grund- und Freiheitsrechte

Initiative für evidenzbasierte Corona Informationen (ICI)

Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU-A)


British initiatives:

UK Covid-19 Inquiry

UK Column

UK CV Family (Covid Vaccine Injured)

CoviLeaks UK

Alliance for Natural Health International (UK)

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL)

Power to the People (PttP)


Canadian initiatives:

Strong and Free Canada

Law Society Ontario

Vaccine Choice Canada

Children's Health Defense Canada


Dutch initiatives:

Viruswaarheid liefe & eenheid


French initiatives:

Action critique médias (observatoire des médias francophones)

Conseil scientifique indépendant

Ligue nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations

Association Bon Sens

Reinfo Covid

France Soir

Verity France


German initiatives:

Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie e.V.

Unsere Verfassung e.V. 

World Council for Health Germany

Selbsthilfegruppe NichtGenesen

Wir fordern

Demokratischer Widerstand

Polizisten für Aufklärung

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft kritischer Polizistinnen und Polizisten e.V.

Netzwerk Kritische Richer und Staatsanwälte n.e.V.

Schadensersatzklage bei Impfschäden und gegen institutionelle Impfpflicht

Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss

Ärzte für Aufklärung

Ärztlicher Berufsverband Hippokratischer Eid

Anwälte für Aufklärung


Mutigmacher e.V.

Eltern stehen auf


Indian initiatives:

Awaken India Movement

Indian Bar Association

Vandana Shiva and Navdanya

Great Game India: Journal on geopolitics and international relations


Irish initiatives:

Dolores Cahill (podcast @ tnt radio)

Freedom Alliance on the island of Ireland


Israelian initiaves:

Vaccine testimonies

Israeli People's Commitee

Ilana Rachel Daniel's blog (current episodes at CHD)


Italian initiatives:


Eventi avversi News

Mille medici per la costituzione

Mille avvocati per la costituzione

Renate Holzeisen




Visione TV


South African initiative:

Transformative Health Justice

South African Vaccine Adverse Events Report System (SA VAERS) 

Freedom Alliance South Africa

Children's Health Defense Africa


Spanish initiatives:

Policías por la libertad

Médicos por la verdad

La quinta columna


Swiss initiatives:

Aufarbeitungsinitiative für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit

Aletheia—Medizin und Wissenschaft für Verhältnismäßigkeit

Coronaanzeige (class action against Swissmedic)

Class action by the initiative "Wir Menschen"

HelvEthica Ticino

Movement fédératif romand

Freunde der Verfassung

Swiss Policy Research (SPR)

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  • "No farmer! No food!" manifestation in London

    British farmers in London (live-stream by Resistance GB, 10 February)

    Takes by Berkshire farm girl and her brother

    Protest songs and speeches on stage

    Farmers against Keir Starmer's land grab (11 February)

    Farmers leaving

    Policiers en colère à Paris

    CL Press (4 février)

    Protest of Austrian farmers in Vienna

    OE24 TV, why the election goes against the current government (16 January)

    Kronen Zeitung with interviews (16 January)

    Resistance GB
    Journalism reporting on natural rights, freedom causes, police abuses & state criminality. Liberal philosophy. Frontline footage, livestreams, podcas…
  • "Bilder einer freien Welt von morgen"
    Alternative Western Ethics Formation in Prague




    Dieses Projekt versteht sich als Gegenidee zum Great Reset — eine alternative Denkwerkstatt für eine freie Welt von morgen!

    Freiheit gibt es nicht geschenkt. Man muss auch etwas für sie tun. Und einen Plan haben. Wir bringen deshalb die besten Köpfe und größten Denker der Freiheitsbewegung zusammen und entwickeln Gegenprogramme zur globalistischen Agenda. Während die Globalisten am Great Reset, an Krieg, Enteignung und Unterdrückung arbeiten, bilden wir ein starkes Gegengewicht für Frieden und Freiheit.

    This project called "Alternative Western Ethics Formation" is meant as opposed to the Great Reset—as the alternative think lab whose concern is a free world tomorrow!

    Freedom is not a present nor can it be taken for granted, it requires the fight for it and to have an understanding of human rights and a plan, how to defend them successfully, even if they are declared and must be understood as unalienable and should be thus respected by everyone. This meeting unites a selection of critical thinkers and civil activists of the freedom movement who are ready to offer alternatives to the globalist agenda. While global players work hard on the Great Reset, on wars for profit, on confiscation of propriety not belonging to them and on suppression of minorities, we established an emphasise on peace and liberty as a balance to those restless activities.


    13347976684?profile=RESIZE_930xVáclav Klaus

    Last week the alternative WEF held a meeting in Prague on 12 December, the Czech president Dr Václav Klaus opened the conference together with Kayvan Soufisiavash moderated by Robert Stein (NuoViso) and Thomas Eglinski (Auf1 TV):

    Images of tomorrow

    13347978067?profile=RESIZE_930xBeate Bahner, Ralf Ludwig, Alexander Christ

    "Demokratie von morgen [Democracy of tomorrow]" with the lawyer Beate Bahner, the politologist Ulrich Mies, the Austrian politician Johannes Hübner, the military physician Heiko Schöning, the undertaker Michael Ballweg and the journalist Stefan Magnet in absence of Ulrike Guérot moderated by Thomas Eglinski (published on 16 December)

    13347984689?profile=RESIZE_930xHeiko Schöning, Maria Hubmer-Mogg, Sucharit Bhakdi & Kayvan Soufisiavash

    "Gesundheit und Medizin von morgen [Health and medicine of tomorrow]" with Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (MWGFD), Privatdozent Dr. med. Michael Nehls, Dr. med. univ. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (DAF), Universitätsdozent Dr. MSc. Hannes Strasser (GFM), Christof Plothe D.O. (World Council for Health) moderated by Robert Stein (published on 17 December)

    "Geld- und Wirtschaftssystem von morgen [Monetary and economic system of tomorrow]" with Markus Krall, Ernst Wolff, Benjamin Mudlack, Eike Hamer von Valtier, Erich Hambach and Thomas Bachheimer (published on 18 Dezember)

    13347987674?profile=RESIZE_930xChristian Schubert, Paul Brandenburg & Maria Hubmer-Mogg

    "Werte und Gesellschaft von morgen [Values and society of tomorrow]" with the physician and journalist Paul Brandenburg, the physician Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert, the Austrian physician Michael Spitzbart, Prof. Dr. Christian Beer (Soil Institute of the University Hamburg) moderated by Elsa Mittmannsgruber (published on 19 December)

    "Medien von morgen [The press of tomorrow]" with Stefan Magnet (Auf1 TV), Frank Höfer (producer of NuoViso), Michelle Gollan (youtube channel "eingollan", young influencer), Michael Meyen (media analyst), Elias Šašek (journalist at "Klagemauer TV") moderated by Robert Stein (NuoViso) (published on 20 December)

    "Globale Konfliktlösung von morgen [Dealing with global conficts of tomorrow]" with Kayvan Soufi-Siavash (journalist and founder of Ken FM), Martin Müller-Mertens (Compact Magazin, Auf1-TV), Martin Sellner (founder of the identity movement in Austria), Hermann Ploppa (politologist) und Stefan Schubert (ex-policeman and scientific author) moderated by Robert Stein (published on 21 December)


    Fearmongering and control with Rainer Mausfeld and Markus J. Karsten (Westend Verlag, 15 December)

    Interviews with participants

    Maria Hubmer-Mogg "Corona-Aufarbeitung? Pervers: Täter lassen hier Gnade walten [Investigation into Covid crimes? Completely perverted: the delinquents are offering mercy to their victims" (Auf1 TV, 19 December)

    Sucharit Bhakdi "‚Jagt sie fort!‘ Eine eindringliche Botschaft zum Jahresende ['Chase them away!' A passionate personal message by the turn of the year]" (Auf1 TV, 19 December)

    Beate Bahner: "Freiheit ist Grundvoraussetzung für menschenwürdiges Leben [Liberty is the fundamental condition of a life in human dignity]" (Auf1 TV, 10 February)


    "USA tritt aus WHO aus: Brechen am 1. Trump-Tag die Globalisten-Pläne zusammen?! [USA leaves WHO: Are the lunatic plans by globalists finished after the first day of a new American president who is again Trump?!]" after the presidential election in the USA with Gerhard Wiśnewski, Oliver Janich, Kayvan Soufi-Siavash, Beate Bahner, Sucharit Bhakdi and Maria Hubmer-Mogg (21 January)

    Alternativ-WEF Prag 2024 - Bilder einer freien Welt von morgen
    Fotosammlung von A-WEF
  • Ils n'ont rien compris


    Rencontre avec les agriculteurs français (Camille Reporter)

    Les agriculteurs français et belges dans les Ardennes (4 décembre)

    Meeting à Redon (9 décembre)

    Calais (11 décembre)

    Épinal (8 décembre)

    À la bourse de commerce à Paris (5 décembre)

    Guillaume Redon, éleveur du brébis en Haut-Loire (8 décembre)

    Dijon (11 décembre)

    Agriculteurs en Auch près de Toulouse (11 décembre)

    Farmers in UK

    Coordination of the protest entering London (11 December)

    London locked with 650 tractors (11 December)

    Westminster Parade

    A clear message to thugs and thieves

    Macron destitution - Macron Destitution
    ont signé. Prochain objectif : 400 000 !
  • The Great Debate: Port Hedland vs. the Premier (Perth, Australia)


    Place: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

    Time: 29 November 6-11 pm AWST



    The invited Premier and Health Minister had not the courage to show up

    M.C. – Captain Graham Hood (pilot): Introduction & moderation [22']

    Julian Gillespie (scientist): Synthetic DNA contamination and the consequences for genome [30']

    Senator Malcolm Roberts: The Senate's debate about misinformation and disinformation ['50]

    Professor Ian Brighthope (International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, retired medical professional): Cancer Risks  [1 h 15']

    Round table with MC, Jullian Gillespie, Malcolm Roberts & Ian Brighthope

    Dr Kevin McKernan (founder of Medicial Genomics): Health consequences of DNA contamination and the abuse with flawed PCR tests* [2 h 45']

    The Honourable Russell Broadbent MP: On a politician's duty to protect the people in their community [3 h 8'] 

    Dr Maryanne Demasi (scientific journalist): Process related DNA impurity [3 h 35']

    Professor Gigi Foster (economist): Corruption and hope [3 h 51']

    Katie Ashby-Koppens (lawyer): Why it  is the job of the people to establish justice—the case of Port Hedland [4 h 11']

    Round table with Russell Broadbent, Maryanne Demasi, Gigi Foster & Katie Ashby-Koppens [4 h 25']

    with an open discussion afterwards about the propaganda's role in arranging a genocide

    * pre-recorded presentation


    On October 11th, the Pilbara’s Town Of Port Hedland passed a powerful motion which demanded the Prime Minister, the Premier and their respective Health Ministers acknowledge and address the concerns of millions of Australians raised by the Federal Member for Monash; The Honourable Russell Broadbent MP, in his many letters to the Prime Minister.

    Please come and hear about the incredible, yet frightening scientific research and discoveries being validated and verified by many of the world’s leading biomolecular virologists, geneticists, immunologists and biochemists; information which is now being shared and disseminated by these powerful and brave Australian Truth-Tellers.

    The Great Debate LIVE from The Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
    Australia's most distinguished Politicians, Doctors, Researchers and Legal Minds come together to discuss the mis-&-dis-information surrounding the d…
  • Farmers' protest in Europe


    "Nitrogen 2000—the Durch farmers' struggle" by James Patick (2023)

    "No Farmers No Food—Will you eat the bugs?" by Roman Balmakov (September 2023) 


    2nd annual Conference on "Attack on Food & Farmers" (CHD, 6-7 September)


    New laws have been made by corrupt and glutaneous politicians about taxes on heritage of land which basically destoys traditional farmers passing on their knowledge to the next generation.

    The UK Column extra page on farming:

    There are other problems, like mass distribution organised by predatory capitalism and corporate distributors who minimise the quality of fresh milk. Here an interview with Steve Hook, a farmer from Sussex who is one of the largest producer of raw milk. He talks about the problems with raw milk (28 November)

    Welsh farmer Gareth Wyn Jones in an interview (26 November)

    Beginning of protests "NO FARMER NO FOOD NO FUTURE" (15 November)

    Manifestation "No farmer no food no future" in London (Resistance GB, 19 November)

    Evening live-stream (19 November)

    Protesters in London (Guardian News, 19 November)

    BBC on the brink of spreading misinformation about the situation of British farmers is highlighted in flagranti (Talk TV, 19 November)

    The BBC interview with Jeremy Clarkson (19 November)

    Farmers block the port of Dover and Holyhead, Wales, the waiting truckers show their support by honking melodies (28 November)

    Farmers' protests at Dover (28 November)

    Invitation to the farmers' protest at Holyrood on 28 November, Scottland 


    The Mercosur trade in summer 2019, just to remember! Manifestation at the Parliament "Dáil Éireann" of Dublin

    Futher protests began on 26 November 2019 (News Talk)

    Colman O'Sullivan 'Farmers protest EU-Mercosur trade agreement outside Dáil,' RTÉ News, 5 November 2024. Link to the article.

    Farming associations in Dublin announce to join the protests in UK (5 November)

    Phil Melch and the Stuart Family Farm (29 November)


    French farmers explain the motive of their protests a second time this year, the corruption around MERCOSUR in Brussels (23 November)

    "Pourquoi les agriculteurs sont en danger ? [Why the farmers are in danger?]"

    80 protests in France (18 November)

    Blocking the Route nationale around Vélizy (17 & 18 November)

    French farmers block the German frontier around Strasbourg (18 November)

    La coordination rurale en Dordogne (19 November)

    Protests of the community Montauriol in the Pyrrenean at the prefecture of Agen (20 november)

    Supermarché Leclerc à Marmande (20 November)

    The farmers of Montauriol finally block the port of Bordeaux and get the Premier on their phone (21 November)

    50 tractors block five supermarkets at Pertuis (23 November)

    Farmers control importing camions at the Centre of Acquisitions for the « Carrefour »  chain at Fleury-Mérogis (26 November)

    Local farmers block Auchan at Manosque (26 November)

    Agriculteurs en colère à Nantes (27 November)

    La préfecture de Montauban (27 November)

    Les agriculteurs en colère à Draguignan (27 November)

    Manifestation à Nice (France 3, 28 November)

    L'institut INRAE à Paris avec ses visions Swiftiennes sur agriculture était emmuré par les agriculteurs (28 November)

    Le menu MERCOSUR à Agneaux, Normandie (28 November)

    Un couple des agriculteurs à Saint Laurent de Verdon (29 November)

    Manifestation à Aix-en-Provence (La Provence, 29 November)


    Farmers start in Haibach Bavaria (20 November)

    Manifestation "Hand in Hand für unser Land" at Neuburg an der Aisch

    Manifestation of the Middle Class in Erfurt (21 November)

    Manifestation in Berlin with Wiki's speech (23 November)

    Speech of 78-year old farmer

    Complete live-stream (Utopia TV)

    Nitrogen 2000 - The Dutch Farmers' Struggle
    On today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’: filmmaker James Patrick discusses ‘Nitrogen 2000,’ a documentary on the Dutch small-farmer struggle against government…
  • Manifestation against warmongering in Berlin

    During the Berlin Security Conference at the Vienna House Andel's Hotel in Berlin-Lichtenberg, Landsberger Allee 106, on Wednesday the 20 November, the reservist officer and military doctor Heiko Schöning announced a spontaneous manifestation against the Monday attack on Russia, after president Biden gave permission to the Ukraine to attack Russia with missiles like Taurus, a continuous play with fire which can easily escalate into a world war and does contribute nothing that pointless killing of a war Russians killing Russians take an end, althought strategic experts announced months ago that this war is already lost and just makes the weapon industry rich and fat with the blood of innocent civilians and soldiers who are forced against their own will into war by decadent elites.

    Live-stream of the manifestation:

    Invitation by Freedom Parade (20 November)

    Invitation to the Berlin Security Conference on 19 and 20 November

    Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in public that he is against the delivery of Taurus missiles, because he does wish to have the responsibility, fact is they had been already delivered! (News Time, 19 November)

    20.11.2024 Demo vor dem Vienna House Andels gegen die Kriegstreiber-Konferenz - Lichtenberg - Berlin
    Spontan-Demo 20.11.24, 17 Uhr Landsberger Allee 106 Montag Nacht haben die USA Angriffe auf Russland mit Langstreckenwaffen durchgeführt. Gestern und…
  • Manifestations in UK and Spain

    Freedom Rally in London (16 November)

    Marble Arch (live-stream by Resistance GB)

    Valencia (Spain)

    Manifestation against malpractice in public health (CL Press, 9 November)

  • 1st International Resistance Conference in Vienna



    Time: 9 November 2024, from 10 am CET

    Place: Vienna

    Exhibition: Austria remembers jab victims at St Steven cathedral of Vienna (8 November)

    Live-stream of the conference by Resistance GB (9 November)


    German section

    Martin Rutter: Presentation of the initiative in the context of mortality and birth statistics

    Dr Ronald Weikl (vice president of MWGFD e.V.): Presentation of the German initiative Menschen und Wissenschaftler für Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit und mehr Demokratie and its activities including its new laboratory Institut für molekulare Diagnostik (

    Dr Ute Krüger (pathologist from Sweden): Research about the genetic experiment [video message]

    Marlis Spuhler (mortician from Germany): Excess mortality from the professional perspective of a mortician

    English section

    Fiona Hine (activist from UK): About her experience with responsible authorities, harmed victims and their activism, doctors who refuse to help harmed patients and scientists investigating in crimes against humanity

    Documentary with voices of the victims


    Mike Yeadon (pharmaceutical research executive): Toxic by design [video-message]

    Live discussion with Mike Yeadon (video in better quality)

    Paolo Cassina (documentarist): Extracts of his documentary «Non è andato tutto bene» released in May 2024 and his experience with subjects connected to crimes of Big Pharma

    French section

    Marie-Charlotte (pharmacist): Mon histoire

    Dominique Baudinaud (VIAC19): Introduction à la mappe des victimes en France 

    Andreas lit l'histoire des victimes autour de Dominique en allemand

    Mathieu Dubois (AVIC): Introduction à l'Association des victimes

    Laurence Paternoster (maître en Belgique, Collectif Action 200 Belgique): L'illégalité de la campagne d'une experimentation en Belgique

    Italian section

    Riccardo Rocchesso (la battaglia per la verità): Divide et impera 


    Gottfried Forsthuber (Austrian lawyer): The constitutional claim (Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit) and international jurisprudence as a transformation of a political conflict into a legal trial (de-AT)

    Sonia (Verity France): L'introduction à l'initiative « Verity France » et son histoire (fr-FR)


    🔴 LIVE: Austria Remembers Jab Victims I Vienna
    Live from Vienna
  • AfD Symposium zur Aufarbeitung und einem Untersuchungsausschuss
    Third Covid Symposium of the Alternative for Germany (Bundestag)

    Place: Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders Haus, Government Headquarters Berlin

    Time: Saturday and Sunday, 2 and 3 November 2024, from 10:30 am CET



    as pdf

    Saturday, 2 November 2024

    Video document of the 2 November by AfD-Fraktion im Bundestag

    10.30 Uhr »Die Corona-Krise: Ein Rückblick« Filmvorführung

    Grußwort Dr. Alice Weidel (politician)*

    10.40 Uhr Begrüßung Martin Sichert (politician)

    11.00 Uhr Die Rolle des RKI und des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts [Role of authorities]

    Impulsvorträge / Short speeches

    Highlights aus dem RKI-Leak [Best of the RKI-Leak]
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg (economist)

    Video of his presentation with English subtitles

    Hat die Wissenschaft versagt? [Has science failed?]
    Prof. a. D. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen (GP and internist)

    Covid-19-Impfung: Versagen des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts [Covid vaccine: the Paul Ehrlich Institut failed]
    Prof. Dr. Winfried Stöcker (undertaker)

    12.25 Uhr nachgereichtes Grußwort Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (molecular biologist)°

    12.42 Uhr Expertenrunde mit Publikumsdiskussion / Expert panel
    Moderation Jörg Schneider (politician)

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg
    Prof. a. D. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen
    Prof. Dr. Winfried Stöcker

    13.05 Uhr Mittagspause / lunch break

    14.00 Uhr Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss auf Bundesebene: Wie ist der aktuelle Stand und wie geht es weiter? [Corona investigative committee on the federal/national level—what is the situation and how to continue?]
    Christopher Peter, Referent im Arbeitskreis

    14.10 Uhr Die Rolle der Justiz [Role of jurisprudence]

    Impulsvorträge / Short speeches

    Steuergeldvernichtung durch illegale Maskenbeschaffung [Illegal mask deals paid by the tax payers]
    Dr. Manfred Kölsch (judge)

    Haben sich Politik und Justiz strafbar gemacht? [Did politics and jurisprudence in Germany commit crimes?]
    Ralf Ludwig (lawyer)

    Bundeswehr: Impfung und Unrecht [German army ("Bundeswehr", Federal Defense)—vaccination and injustice]
    Jan Reiners (dismissed soldier)

    Vortäuschung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit [Faked Justice]
    Beate Bahner (lawyer)

    Moderation Kay-Uwe Ziegler (politician)

    16.00 Kaffeepause / coffee break

    16.15 Uhr Ausschnitte aus dem Dokumentarfilm "Nur ein Piks—im Schatten der Impfung" / Extracts from the documentary "Just a jag—under the shadow of the vaccination" released in August 2024

    16.45 Uhr Expertenrunde mit Publikumsdiskussion / Expert panel
    Moderation Thomas Dietz (politician)

    Mario Nieswandt (film producer)
    Sabrina Kollmorgen (intense care nurse)
    Andreas Sönnichsen

    Sunday, 3 November 2024

    Video document of 3 November by the organiser (announced for 4 November, from 3 pm CET)

    10.45 Uhr Die Rolle der Medien [Role of mass media]


    Medien: die wichtigsten Treiber des Corona-Hypes [Mass media—the column of the Covid Psychological Operation]
    Dr. Gunter Frank (GP)

    Woran krankt der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk? [What made the public state broadcasting sick?]
    Ole Skambraks (journalist, refused to work any longer for SWR)

    Kampf um die Wahrheit [Fighting for the Truth]
    Peter Weber (undertaker and founder of »Hallo Meinung« channel)

    Zweierlei Maß bei der Meinungsfreiheit? [Two ways to reduce freedom of speech?]
    Markus Haintz (lawyer)

    Qualitätsdefizite im Corona-Journalismus - eine Analyse [Qualitative deficits of the so-called Covid journalism—an analysis]
    Timo Rieg (biologist and journalist)°

    12.45 Uhr Expertenrunde mit Publikumsdiskussion / Expert panel
    Moderation Dr. Christina Baum (politician)

    Dr. Gunter Frank
    Peter Weber
    Timo Rieg
    Ole Skambraks
    Markus Haintz

    13.30 Uhr Resümee und Verabschiedung / Conclusions
    Martin Sichert MdB [MFP], Dr. Christina Baum MdB, Jörg Schneider MdB, Thomas Dietz MdB and Kay-Uwe Ziegler MdB
    * prerecorded video ° live connected via webex


    Unfortunately, AfD has not learnt its lesson from last year and is witholding a live-stream of a symposium where Sucharit Bhakdi, Andreas Sönnichsen, Stefan Homburg, Beate Bahner etc. are invited referents. Although the AfD was in 2023 the only political party where some members were willing to investigate crimes committed in connection of a pandemic declared by the WHO, its documentation of the second symposium was criticised for uncommented censorship of two referents.

    Round table with Beate Bahner, Wiebke Muhsal, Carolin Bachmann moderated by Sebastian Schulze

    Round table "Corona Hoax — Medien als Haupttäter [Covid fraud—propagandists spreading lies in the mainstream media as main perpetrators]" with Peter Weber, Claudius Fabig, Christina Baum, Mario Nieswandt and Carsten Ubbelohde

    This live-stream is excluded from the conference, but offers interviews with participents of the symposium, an interview with the politician Wiebke Muhsal during the coffee break in the morning (Utopia TV)

    During the lunch break (referents as well as people from the audience)

    Interview with Nina, pediatrician Albrecht Jahn, politician Beatrix von Storch, lawer Beate Bahner, activist Roman Mironov who represents the soldier Alexander Bittner currently unlawfully emprisoned and denied by the health minister, the paramedic Tommy Positiv and Kell ("Clark Kent")

    Another live-stream during the afternoon coffee break by Weichreite TV with interviews Jens Reiners, Roman Mironov and a representant of the Blaulicht-Familie

    Interview after the 1 day with Beatrix von Storch, Tommy Positiv, the film producer Mario Nieswandt and nurse Katharina Jansen

    Interview on Sunday (3 November) with Kay-Uwe Ziegler and Markus Haintz

    Interview with the politician Christopher Peter, the pediatrician Albrecht Jahn & the scientist and general practitioner Andreas Sönnichsen (Dirk Pohlmann, 3 November)

    Roman Mironov with petitions for the political prisoners Alexander Bittner and Reiner Fuellmich at the Bundestag (3 November)

    Visualisation of Mario Nieswandt's documentary

    At the Bundestag on 26 November with testimonies by Dr Walter Weber, Tommy Positiv and Katja who has been badly harmed (live-stream by Björn Winter)

    Open letters and legal actions

    Jörg Matysik et al., 'Wissenschaftler fordern radikalen Neuanfang beim RKI: ‚Aufklärung statt Unterwürfigkeit‘ [Scientists demand radical re-orientation at the Robert Koch Institut: ‘Transparency instead of servility and subordination’],' Berliner Zeitung, 23 September 2024. Link to the open letter.

    Vanessa Renner, 'Aufarbeitung: Deutsche Professoren fordern Antworten von Lauterbach zur Steuerung des RKI [Criminal investigation: German professors insist on a public statement by Health Minister Karl Lauterbach concerning the attitude of scientists at the Robert Koch Institut confronted by political orders during the pandemic],' Report24, 31 October 2024. Link to the article.

    Katharina Koenig about her law-suit against Pfizer and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (20 November)

    3. Corona-Symposium der AfD-Bundestagsfraktion
    Am 2. und 3. November 2024 ist es wieder soweit, unser Corona-Symposium startet in die 3. Runde!
  • Conference "RKI-Leaks in Vienna"


    Official homepage:

    Time: 27 October 2024, from 5 pm CET

    Place: Lorely Saal, Penzinger Straße 72, 1140 Wien

    Trailer der Konferenz


    17:00 Uhr Begrüßung / Greeting

    17:15 Uhr Kurzvortrag / short paper about the pharmaco-vigilance at the Paul Ehrlich Institut by Tom Lausen

    17:30 Uhr Kurzvortrag / short paper about scientific responsibility by Martin Haditsch

    17:45 Uhr Panel 1 "Eine fachliche Analyse der geleakten Protokolle [A knowledge-based analysis of the leaked documents from the Robert Koch Institut]" mit Tom Lausen, Maria Hubmer-Mogg, Martin Haditsch moderiert von Reinhard Jesionek

    19:00 Uhr Pause

    19:45 Uhr Impulsvortrag "Best of the RKI leaks" Stefan Homburg

    20:05 Uhr Impulsvortrag "Mut zur Macht—weil Ohnmacht krank macht [Courage to take over—because the feeling of helplessness makes ill]" Christine Bauer-Jelinek

    20:30 Uhr Panel 2 "Die Leaks als Chance für eine Aufarbeitung der Coronajahre? Wie lässt sich die gesellschaftliche Spaltung überwinden? [The leaked documents as an opportunity and invitation to investigate committed crimes and the personal confrontation with them as a victim and how to resist effectively? How to overcome the division and zizzania which paralysed the public?]" mit Christine Bauer-Jelinek, Daniela Angetter-Pfeiffer, Roland Düringer, Stefan Homburg und Lukas und Thomas von 0punkt moderiert von Reinhard Jesionek

    22:00 Uhr Verabschiedung / Conclusion


    Die ungeschwärzte Wahrheit liegt am Tisch…

    Wurde die Öffentlichkeit bewusst getäuscht? Die vor Kurzem veröffentlichten RKI-Leaks umfassen die gesamten ungeschwärzten Protokolle des Robert-Koch-Instituts zum Thema Corona inklusive 10 Gigabyte an zusätzlichen Daten. Ihre Analyse offenbart Abgründe, die die Gesellschaft aufarbeiten muss.

    Politischer Einfluss, fehlende Evidenz, intransparente Abläufe und bewusste Entscheidungen wider besseren Wissens, deuten darauf hin, dass keine wissenschaftliche und ergebnisoffene Suche nach Lösungen stattgefunden hat, sondern eine Behörde sich für politische Entscheidungen missbrauchen ließ.

    Wir analysieren den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Auswertung der Protokolle inhaltlich und ihre gesellschaftliche Bedeutung für eine Aufarbeitung der Coronajahre.

    Was muss die Gesellschaft daraus lernen und wie kann die tiefe Spaltung überwunden werden um einen gesellschaftlichen Heilungsprozess zu initiieren?

    The unblackened truth is on the table...

    Had the public been deceived with intention? The recently revealed and leaked documents of minutes documenting the inner communication at the Robert Koch Institut, messages and presentations exchanged between authorities of the pandemic management (as a whole a 10-GB download). An analysis of them permits a view into a deep abyssus which society has to face as a whole to have a future.

    Political influence, lacking evidence, intransparent communication and intentional decisions against better knowledge hints to the conclusion that there has never been an open-minded and scientific approach to the situation beyond conficts of interest to find ways out of it. Instead scientific authorities had been abused in favour of political decisions motivated by greed for power and fort profit.

    Invited experts analyse the content of the leaked documents on the base of the current state of the art (epidemiological evaluation of medical measures) and in the social context to learn from harm and damage caused out of conflicts of interest.

    What can the public learn from these documents and how can we overcome the social division and profound separation between victims whose life has been destroyed, and the responsible authorities that the unavoidable lesson has been learnt in a way that the public can overcome the justified, but unfortunately principal distrust caused by the lethal outcome of misguided public health policies?  

    Komplette Videoaufzeichnung



    with Dr Andreas Sönnichsen

    with lawyer Markus Haintz

    with MP Madeleine Petrović

    with Prof Dr Stefan Homburg

    Corona Aufarbeitung – RKI – Leaks in Wien
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