Lenka Hlávková in memoriam: Canticum boemicale Otep myry in the context of Credo settings in cantus fractus

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As I heard this morning by a dear colleague, Lenka Hlávková is no longer with us. She was shot yesterday during the amok of a student at the Faculty of arts in Prague.

I know Lenka since many years. She was a generous person, a fine singer and actually head of the musicology at the Charles University. Prague has lost a great personality, a founder of important music festivals, an initiator of international conferences and a very fine musicologist who has actively created the musical life of the Czech Republic. Two children have lost their loving mother.

The current presentation was given in 2020 and comes right out of her field of research: cantus fractus, Bohemian polyphony around 1400.

If you like, you can share some memories of Lenka, either as a comment or elsewhere at the forum musicologie médiévale. It will be a consolation for me.

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