Important links
International initiatives:
Police for Freedom inernational
Real not rare (International portal of adverse events)
No more silence! (stories of vaccine deaths and adverse events @ lost world outpost)
React 19 (Science-based support for people suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine effects)
World Council for Health (The Great Freeset)
Grand Jury: the Court of Public Opinion
International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
Global information about collateral damages caused by WHO
The Great Barrington Declaration (PANDA)
World Freedom Alliance (World Doctors Alliance)
International Tribunal for Natural Justice
Medical Freedom International (UK)
Children's Health Defense (Europe)
European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV)
American initiatives:
Children's Health Defense (USA)
‘The People's Testaments’ with Stephanie Locricchio (CHD.TV)
The Texas team "Humanity Lawsuit"
Physicians for informed consent (PIC)
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
Australian initiatives:
Children's Health Defense Australia
Austrian initiatives: (private initiative of Austrian, Swiss and German physicians)
Polizisten für Grund- und Freiheitsrechte
Initiative für evidenzbasierte Corona Informationen (ICI)
Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU-A)
British initiatives:
UK CV Family (Covid Vaccine Injured)
Alliance for Natural Health International (UK)
Canadian initiatives:
Children's Health Defense Canada
Dutch initiatives:
French initiatives:
Action critique médias (observatoire des médias francophones)
Conseil scientifique indépendant
Ligue nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations
German initiatives:
Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie e.V.
World Council for Health Germany
Selbsthilfegruppe NichtGenesen
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft kritischer Polizistinnen und Polizisten e.V.
Netzwerk Kritische Richer und Staatsanwälte n.e.V.
Schadensersatzklage bei Impfschäden und gegen institutionelle Impfpflicht
Ärztlicher Berufsverband Hippokratischer Eid
Indian initiatives:
Great Game India: Journal on geopolitics and international relations
Irish initiatives:
Dolores Cahill (podcast @ tnt radio)
Freedom Alliance on the island of Ireland
Israelian initiaves:
Ilana Rachel Daniel's blog (current episodes at CHD)
Italian initiatives:
Mille medici per la costituzione
Mille avvocati per la costituzione
South African initiative:
South African Vaccine Adverse Events Report System (SA VAERS)
Children's Health Defense Africa
Spanish initiatives:
Swiss initiatives:
Aufarbeitungsinitiative für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit
Aletheia—Medizin und Wissenschaft für Verhältnismäßigkeit
Coronaanzeige (class action against Swissmedic)
New performances by Ingrid Courrèges
"imagine all the people" (Cover John Lennon) with a message for peace
Craquer TikTok par une allusion politique dans une hommage à l'athlète Anthony Ammirati
Battements de cœur (Cover Mentissa)
« J'envoie valser » (Cover Zazie)
Bien cherché (Cover Whitney Houston)
Rèponse « T'es trop lourd » (Cover Slimane)
« L'envie » (Cover Johnny Hallyday)
"Nightcall drive" (Cover Kavinsky)
« Quand ton date termine mou » (Cover Lynda Lemay)
Neueste Lieder von Yann Song King
"Skandal im RKI" Cover "Skandal im Sperrbezirk" by Spider Murphy Gang (29 August)
"Absage" song of discord to war propaganda defined in Art. 26 § 1 GG (13 August)
New songs by Yann Song King
Dédié au macronisme en Saxonie, Allemagne (Cover "Micha, mein Micha" by Nina Hagen)
Yann Song King during Monday manifestation in Görlitz with songs dedicated to Biden, Kretschmer, Baerbock, Scholz and Lauterbach (10 June)
Der deutsche Beamtenarsch und seine absolute Pflichtbereitschaft in Sachen "Einweggetränkeflaschenschraubverschlussanbindungspflichtgesetz"
Tante Strack (Cover ACDC)
Peace manifestation at Weissenfels (25 September 2024)
A new song and a comment by Ingrid Courrèges
« Dose de trop » par Ingrid Courrèges (4 février)
« Ne laisse pas tomber ta liberté » (Tik Tok, 2 juillet)
Hypocrisie (13 juillet)
2 new and an old song by Yann Song King
Song dedicated to Nena on the day of women (Yann Song King, 8 March)
Song to German Carnival as a country of gesters and fools (8 February)
"Geh Annalena [Go, Annalena]" near the Bundestag of Berlin on 3 August 2023
New songs by Ingrid Courrèges
"My yellow Renault 5" with Erik Skar Baroux (Ingrid Courrèges, 5 November)
Les ministres désolidarisant la sociétée avec leur folie (7 October)
« Voilà ! » Cover Barbara Pravi (1 October)
French voice in "Rich men North of Richmond" by Oliver Anthony (18 September)
« Ils disent ok ! » Cover Mathieu Côte (30 August)
« Chanson de Droite » sur « Mélodie de Gauche » - Le Mashup Sardou / Armanet (24 August)
« Variante Eris et la quatrième dose » (13 August)
Music and régime propaganda in Lower Austria
In Austria, a law draft is under discussion which reduces music education to an ideological indoctrination which would be against the law according to the Italian constitution (art. 33). This is another totalitarian approach.
Here is the draft:
Here is the public discussion of it in form of an open letter addressed to the local government of Lower Austria (homepage of the students at the University for Music and Performing Arts "Universität für darstellende Kunst und Musik Wien"):
Please sign the petition against this plan to support a parliamentary discussion in public:
A manifestation is planned for Monday morning (16 October) at the town Sankt Pölten!
Here is the live-stream by Alexander Ehrlich (16 October)
Oliver Anthony: "I wanna go home"
Text with video:
Wеll, іf іt wоn’t fоr mу оld dоgѕ аnd thе gооd Lоrd
Тhеу’d hаvе mе ѕtrung uр іn thе рѕусh wаrd
‘Саuѕе еvеrу dау lіvіng іn thіѕ nеw wоrld
Іѕ оnе tоо mаnу dауѕ tо mе
Ѕоn, wе’rе оn thе brіnk оf thе nехt wоrld wаr
Аnd І dоn’t thіnk nоbоdу’ѕ рrауіng nо mоrе
Аnd І аіn’t ѕауіng І knоw іt fоr ѕurе
І’m јuѕt dоwn оn mу knееѕ
Веggіn’, Lоrd, tаkе mе hоmе
І wаnt tо gо hоmе
І dоn’t knоw whісh rоаd tо gо
Іt’ѕ bееn ѕо lоng
І јuѕt knоw І dіdn’t uѕеd tо wаkе uр fееlіng thіѕ wау
Сuѕѕіng mуѕеlf еvеrу dаmn dау
Тhеrе’ѕ аlwауѕ ѕоmе kіnd оf bіll tо рау
Реорlе јuѕt dоіng whаt thе rісh mаn ѕау
І wаnnа gо hоmе
Ѕеvеn gеnеrаtіоnѕ fаrmіng thе grоund
Grаndѕоn ѕеllѕ іt tо а mаn frоm оut оf tоwn
Тwо wееkѕ lаtеr thе trееѕ gо dоwn
Оnlу gоt соnсrеtе grоwіng аrоund
І wаnnа gо hоmе
І wаnnа gо hоmе
І dоn’t knоw whісh rоаd tо gо
Іt’ѕ bееn ѕо lоng
І јuѕt knоw І dіdn’t uѕеd tо wаkе uр fееlіng thіѕ wау
Сuѕѕіng mуѕеlf еvеrу dаmn dау
Реорlе hаvе rеаllу gоnе аnd lоѕt thеіr wау
Тhеу аll јuѕt dо whаt thе ТV ѕау
І wаnnа gо hоmе
Іf іt wоn’t fоr mу оld dоgѕ аnd thе gооd Lоrd
Тhеу’d hаvе mе ѕtrung uр іn thе рѕусh wаrd…
Oliver Anthony: "Rich Men North of Richmond"
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away
It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is
Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond
I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare
Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down
Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is
Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
Oliver Anthony (9 August)
Yann Song King from Dresden
Many songs in Saxonian like
1) "Nu, nu dlar, jetzt geht der ganze Quatsch hier schon en Jahr", this "mutation" of Kaddour Hadadi's « Danser encore » with the village pervert of Leipzig (K.G.S., 8 May 2021)
2) Polonaise "Frank hör auf, du hast getrunken [Leave it, Frank, you are drunken]" against unlawful Police strategies during a manifestation at Dresden on 13 March 2021
3) "Hitzetod Check" in honour of Ray Charles, and of the current climate hystery triggered by the regime Clown (7 July 2023)
the language of Berlin
4) "Grüße aus Pfefferspray Athen [Greetings from the Pepper Spray Athens]" in honour of Hildegard Knef, of the corrupt part of the Bundestag and their appaling assault against the people in Berlin on 18 November 2020 during the declaration of the Infektionsschutzgesetz
and in the language of John Pierpont Morgan (the language of the regime)
5) Reggae "Sascha liest das Grundgesetz [Sasha is reading aloud the Fundamental Law]", the SOKO "Sascha" succeeded to be documented by Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on behalf of the United Nations Human Rights Council (17 April 2021)
6) "We will lock you" in honour of Freddie Mercury, of Jens Spahn, Angela Merkel, Lothar Wieler and Karl Lauterbach (12 April 2021)
7) Country "Die Frau, die ich mein [The woman I mean]" in honour of Johnny Cash, and of Ursula von der Leyen and the bullshitter stories about her pony (9 November 2022)
8) "In der Insektenfleischerei [At the butcher of insects]" dedicated to the state sanctioned child abuse (25 April 2023)
Documentary "Flüstern und Lachen [Whisper and laughter]" by Alexander Tuschinski dedicated to the musician and songwriter (December 2022)
Interview with Alex Quint (eingeSCHENKt TV, 21 July 2023)
At the Hambacher Schloss
Concert on 16 July 2023