Le site e-manuscripta.ch vient tout juste de mettre en ligne le fragment F IX 71 de la bibliothèque universitaire de Bâle.
Ce fragment d'un bifolium sans doute originaire d'Italie, contient des pièces uniques du répertoire polyphonique du XIVème siècle en notation proportionnelle.
1r Gaudeat et exultet jam...
1v Papam querentes antechristum...
Le folio 2r-v contient des parties de tenor et contratenor sans texte
Lien vers la notice Diamm du fragment : https://www.diamm.ac.uk/sources/215/#/
As Prof. Arlt says, it is an extremely interesting piece (or related collection of pieces) -- transcriptions available on request. It features a curious phenomenon that I only know of from Swiss sources, that of the contratenor against solus tenor. (e.g., Impudentur in the Bern fragment).
Merci beaucoup cher Monsieur pour ces informations complémentaires !
Wulf ARLT said:
An as yet unpublished study on the fragment has long been underway. It is mentioned by, among others, Margaret Bent (in her "Early Papal Motets", in Papal music and musicians in late Medieval and Renaissance Rome, ed. Richard Sherr, Oxford 1998, 19/20). It deals with a 'political' motet from the first years of the schism. The text suggests that it emerged in the circle of Clement VII. The isorhythmic structure can be reconstructed in large part – thanks also to a connection with another fragment – and also classified stylistically. I presented the results several times, including a contribution in 2004 to the Basel workshop "Au carrefour musical". The publication is forthcoming in the context of further studies on the motet.
Wulf Arlt