El propósito de la obra es familiarizar al músico interesado en el repertorio del siglo XVI con lanotación mensural blancade la época trabajando para ello con reproducciones de origin
La collection de fragments de manuscrits conservée sous la cote Latin 9378 à la BNF contient un fragment d'un recueil de polyphonies du XVème siècle, comportant deux gloria, dont un est attribué à un certain Poudrel.
We have a partial inventory for this (Motets only), but without folio numbers. As we've now received images from the BL and will be putting them up on the website shortly it would be good to be able to link each image to their inventory entries. Coul
Aosta, Seminario Maggiore Cod. 15 Manuscrit composite du XVème siècle (1428-1442) d'Italie du Nord, du Rhin supérieur (Bâles/Strasbourg et d'Innsbruck contenant divers traités ainsi que 199 compositions polyphonique : Johannes Brassart, Dufay, ect...,
Hello, are there transcriptions of Tschudi Liederbuch (Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 463) and Basel Partbooks (Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität F.IX.1,2,3,4 - F.IX.59,60,61,62 - F.X.17,18,19,20) ?
XV (1480) ▪ "Glogauer Liederbuch", livre de chants polyphoniques en trois parties (Cantus, tenor et contratenor), contenant une collection de chants sacrés et profanes ▪ Diamm
I have now completed work on an open access project, which I began in 2007:
Songs for funerals and intercession. A collection of polyphony for the confraternity of St Barbara at the Corbie Abbey, Amiens, Bibliothèque Centrale Louis A
Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni in X. libros digesta; Bd. 1: Quà Universa Sonorum doctrina, & Philosophia, Musicaeque tam Theoricae, quam practicae scientia, summa varietate traditur ...