Le manuscrit Cod. 53b (rot) de la Benediktinerstift de Göttweig est une copie du XIIème siècle des Consuetudines Fructuarienses provenant de de l'abbaye bénédictine de Lambach et contient une hymne neumée et quelques éléments de théorie musicale.
1r Exorta Bethsaida duo suscepit lumina (Andreae) [AH 52, n° 98]
83v roue de solmisation
84r Main guidonienne suivie de l'échelle guidonienne avec la correspondance de l'ambitus selon les ages de la vie. (A ma connaissance cette correspondance n'existe dans aucun autre traité) :
Vox senilis, Vox virilis, Vox iuvenilis, Vox puerilis, Vox infantilis
86v Extrait de Jacques de Liège : Quamvis mille modis cantus varientur in odis. Octo modis tantum sit continuatio vocum.
Actually, Jerome in that passage is quoting verbatim from Isidore of Seville, Etymologiarum libri XX, Lib. III, Cap. xx (available on TML, 6th-8th century list, under the rubric ISIDEMU).
Oliver Gerlach a dit :
What is definitely "Guidonian," is the association of «durum» with a harsh voice which emits sound in a rather violent way, and the association of «molle» with a "wine-slow" (vinnolenta) voice which is soft and flexible!
But the concept to associate tetrachords or hexachords with such characteristics is already here. Guido never excluded the former tetrachord system, but he tried to domestify it with respect to absonia!
Interesting! Not only is the division of the gamut into tetrachordsa non-Guidonian element (Guido divides his gamut in a different way: see Micrologus, cap. II), but here too there are various peculiarities and inconsistencies in the way this is done. Since it's the tetrachords that align with the vocal ranges (senilis, virilis, etc.), there's something unsatisfactory about the result.
Il me semble une mémorisation additionelle à celle de la Musica enchiriadis comme graves, finales etc.
Bien sûr plus tard (dans le XIII siècle), nous avons la description des voix chez Jérôme de Moravie (Cserba 1935, 10b-11a) :
Et ici comme chez les autres auteurs contemporains aussi les characteristiques des chantres locales.
Merci Christian !