



April 27

Intérêt principal (principal interest)

Grégorien, Ars antiqua, Vieux-Romain, Hispanique, Ambrosien, Chants des ordres religieux, Théorie musicale, Manuscrits (paléographie)

Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)

I'm a student of medival music: my research interest are sequences

Activity Feed

LindaWhite replied to LindaWhite's discussion Sequences musical incipits
"Thank you so much to both, dear Thomas and Karin, and sorry for this late answer.
Answering to your question, Karin, I'm studying the sequences for a Saint, but according to Hanalecta Hymnica, the music for these sequences (of the XIII century) had…"
Feb 1, 2015
Karin Lagergren replied to LindaWhite's discussion Sequences musical incipits
"Dear Linda, 

The sequence repertoire is enormous and it is much more difficult to make these opera omnia editions for music than for texts. I am afraid you have to look in different publications treating those particular kind of sequences you are…"
Dec 7, 2014
Thomas Windsor replied to LindaWhite's discussion Sequences musical incipits
"All the sequences...  A look at the Analecta Hymnica will show how many there are.
Vol. 8-10, 34, 37, 39-40, and 44 are for Sequences text only.

Books with the melody are more…"
Dec 5, 2014