In this conference, Arturo Tello Ruiz-Pérez, professor of the Department of Musicology of the Complutense University of Madrid, exposes the contents of the Codex Calixtinus, a copy of the Liber Sancti Iacobi kept in the Cathedral of Santiago and named after Pope Calixtus II. The lecturer highlights its musical importance and analyses some of the most outstanding songs, figures and innovations of this "masterpiece of universal music". Accompanied by the male voices of the Schola Antiqua choir, conducted by Juan Carlos Asensio, some of the most singular examples that make up this medieval codex are illustrated, symbolising the importance of Compostela as a centre of pilgrimage for Christianity.
El Códice Calixtino, todo un mundo concentrado en un libro / The Codex Calixtinus, a whole world in one book | Arturo Tello Ruiz-Pérez
Location: Fundación Juan March, Madrid
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