Inna Žvaneckaya: "Splinters of Childhood" (Осколки дитинства)

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for violin solo, Version for Cello and Radio-Set by D. Cheglakov / D.Cheglakov, Cello / T.Mikheyeva, Radio-set / Moscow House of Composers / (Big hall, live...

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  • Concert with compositions by Inna Abramovna Žvaneckaya

    Variations on a Jewish Theme (two violins) / Варіації єврейської теми (дві скрипки) 1986 (youtube account of a Russian musician hidden by google for the purpose of unlawful censorship)

    Extract of "From the Medieval Jewish Poetry" / З середньовічної єврейської поезії (1998)

    Piano Concerto / Концерт для фортепіано

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
  • Something very weird happened in Germany. The internationally known Ukrainian composer and Holocaust survivor Inna Abramovna Žvaneckaya living at Stuttgart was threatened by German authorities by force to get deported to psychiatry and forced to a so-called vaccination already well-known for the terrible harm it causes. She refused such a treatment as a daughter of a pharmacologist. Since Thursday she has been hidden by German citizens and internationally organised Holocaust survivors and their families, while policemen tried to invade her private flat!

    You can read about the weird circumstances in the English translation of a German article published by Andrea Drescher at an Austrian science blog (13 January)

    "Have they learnt absolutely nothing from their history?" Riley Vuyovich and Vera Sharav about potential euthanasia of people in homecare in New Normal Germany (18 January)

    The case Inna Zhvanetskaya - is forced vaccination of Jews "a good German tradition"?
    The old lady is currently on the run from the authorities to avoid mandatory vaccination.
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