CD by Neofit, the current Patriarch of Bulgaria:- Semantrons- Obyatiya otcha (echos plagios devteros, glas 6)- Neofit Rilski: Koinonikon "Se pokayaniya uchitelya" (echos legetos, gl. 4)- Cherouvikon (echos protos, gl. 1)- Doxastikon "Slava - Gospodi yazhe" (echos plagios tetartos, gl. 8)- Doxastikon "Bogonachalnim manoveniem" (echos plagios protos, gl. 5)- Angel vopiyashe (echos plagios protos, gl. 1)- Doxastikon "Tebe odĕyushtagosya" (echos plagios protos, gl. 5)- Balasios the Priest: Heirmos kalophonikos "Ne tlĕniya izkusheniem rozhdshaya" (echos varys, gl. 7)- Bells- Heirmos "Dostoyno est" (echos devteros, gl. 2)
Life and Orthodox chant - Neofit, Metropolitan of Russe
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1) Doxastikon oktaechon Богоначальнымъ мановенiемъ (Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι "On a divine hint") in Glas 1 (short version Todorov's Mineynik, М 320) for the evening service preceding 15 August (dormition of the Theotokos/Bogurodžice)
2) Объятия отча ("In the Arms of the Father") in Glas 6 (kathisma katanyktiko/sedalen on Sunday of the Prodigal Son, 9 weeks preceding Easter, originally a kontakion)
3) Heirmos kalophonikos Се покаяния учителя ("This is the Master of the Pusta who teaches Penitance") in Glas 4 (echos legetos) in memory of Sv. Ivan Rilski (18 August & 19 October) (L 285, ascribed to Neofit Rilski)
4) Cherouvikon in Glas 1 (Bĕlgarski razpev)
5) Doxastikon Господи ꙗже во многiѧ грѣхи впадшаѧ жена (κύριε ἡ ἐν πολλαῖς ἁμαρτίαις περιπεσοῦσα γυνή "Lord, the woman who had fallen into many sins") in Glas 8 for Holy Wednesday, troparion by the higoumena Kassia
6) Heirmos Достойно есть in Glas 6 sung during the divine liturgy (oral tradition of Široka Laka, Rhodope Mountains)
7) Doxastikon oktaechon Богоначальнымъ мановенiемъ in Glas 1 (short version)
8) Аггелъ вопiѧже (Ὁ ἄγγελος ἐβὸα, "The Angel cried") Easter sticheron in Glas 1
9) Doxastikon Тебе ѡдѣющагосѧ (Σὲ τὸν ἀναβαλλόμενον φῶς, "Thee who clothest thyself in light") in Glas 5 for Good Friday
10) Heirmos kalophonikos Не тлѣнiѧ искоушенiемъ рождшаѧ (Μὴ τῆς φθορᾶς, "O Maiden birth-giver of God") in Glas 7 for Pentecost by Balasios the Priest (L 288)
11) Doxastikon Покаѧнiѧ ѡтверзими ("Open to me the Doors of Penitance") in Glas 8 and psalm 50 in Glas 6 (U 1-4)