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  • Dear Eugeen,

    Thank you for your nice comment.

    The Fulltext Database is already grown in a more mature project: the CANTUS Index Database (

    I hope you will find it useful as well!

    Here is a short paragraph about the early history of the two projects, and about how they are inherently related: 

    The CANTUS Index, based in part on principles established by the CANTUS Database, was initially developed as the pioneering project Graduale Fulltext Database (GFD). The GFD, conceived and created by Dr. Elsa De Luca and Mr. Jan Kolacek, was designed as a research tool for the medieval Latin chants sung during Mass, and its first data were the full texts of the Graduale Romanum, 1961 edition. The GFD was presented at the 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, May 2012, by its co-creator Elsa De Luca. 

    Each unique chant text in this new database was assigned a newly-created CANTUS ID number.  These alphanumeric codes have allowed for both the identification and linking of chants in the initial Graduale Fulltext Database, its successor (now named CANTUS Index), and through new collaborative developments also into several other regional chant databases including the Gradualia project in Hungary and the Portuguese Early Music Database (the latter having suppored the GFD from its early days).  

    At its conception, the GFD was not only a new online tool for assisting scholars and researchers in analyzing Mass chants, but it was also an evolving database for the Latin Mass repertoire that has now spawned a virtual, interlinked hub, truly a “web” of chant research tools where the data is connected, accessible, and flourishing.

    Best wishes from England,


    Cantus Index: Catalogue of Chant Texts and Melodies | Cantus Index for Office and Mass
  • Dear Elsa de Luca,

    I happen to stumble on your Fulltext database, it's a great tool for scholars searching for chants texts, especially for the late mediëval sources (ex. as I am working on a transcription of the Fingergull (Susceptio Sanguinis) Officium from Nidaros Trondheim Cathedral(Copenh. Add.47,(XIIIth Century). I hope you will start soon with the Offices Chants which are not included in the Hesbert CAO.

    Thank you, greetings from Holland, have a nice summer


  • Hi,Thanks for your kind words. The project is still in its early stage of development but in spite of this, it can already be useful for assisting scholars in the identification of Mass Chants, while they are working directly with the sources: fragments, manuscripts and editions. The Fulltext of chants and musical incipits of the Graduale Romanum can be browsed and retrieved by a simple and user-friendly interface. Future plans include adding more analytical tools and the contents of numerous Mass manuscripts.



  • Un grand merci pour votre grand travail et sa réalisation merveilleuse! J'aime bien l'instrument pour la récherche mélodique. Peut-être ca fonctionne aussi avec la notation carée quelque temps, mais comme cela, c'est plus usable pour tous... Mais j'ai encore besoin des temps pour comprendre mieux, comment recevoir les résultats.

  • Absolutement merveilleux.  Quelle source! Merci Elsa

  • Briliant.. Thank you.

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