




Intérêt principal (principal interest)

Grégorien, Ars antiqua, Chants vernaculaires, Vieux-Romain, Ambrosien, Chants des ordres religieux, Liturgie, Manuscrits (paléographie), Autre

Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)

I was teaching Gregorian chant in Italy in Conservatorium in the past, and I am part of the personelle included in the permanent list for this subject at the Conservatorium in Italy.

Site Web ?

https://For having more information with regard to my research

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  • Per uno scambio regolare sulla diversità liturgica in Italia e nei Balcani (da tutte le coste dell'Adriatico e del mare Ionico) e la sua storia complessa ho creato questo gruppo dedicato al soggetto:


    Perché Lei non si iscrive là, Le assicura che viene accettata senza una intervenzione da parte mia.

    Lei è benvenuta partecipare i suoi pensieri e il suo lavoro là!

    Beneventan Chant, Ravenna Chant, Norman Chant, the Greek Rite, and the Slavic Rite in Southern Ital…
    Questo gruppo non è solo dedicato alle tradizioni liturgiche d'Italia meridionale, ma anche alle altre regioni dell'Adriatico (come Macedonia, Albani…
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Activity Feed

Anthea Grasselli replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Supplementum ad Graduale Romanum in Répertoires liturgiques
"Bien sure: merci Dominique Gatté!"
Aug 3, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Metz New palimpsest and Carolingian fragments and 73 additions in MMMO in Répertoire des manuscrits médiévaux notés
"Grateful for this option: thanks."
Jul 24, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"We are not talking of isolated syllables overall. Possibly my explanation was not clear enough in this sense. Finally, if we are performing just with notes, as a result we are incurring inevitably on a coarse throbbing performance. To return to the…"
Jun 17, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"Specific measurements ( obviously) but it is clear that the prior establishment took place longer than what we believe. In effect, it is difficult to establish the perfect shifting point, since we can still find exactly the same process in different…"
Jun 17, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"Ops... my apologies but my prior message went through with any kind of adjustment- Your viewpoint is completely understandable, but for a clear background of the situation, currently when we are studying Gregorian chant, Gregorian Semiology is…"
Jun 17, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"Dear Raphael, I am grateful for your reply: thank you. However, I cited cantus fractus only because there are evident links with measured proportions since are part of the belated repertory. In fact, because are just ‘bits and pieces’ and are of…"
Jun 17, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"On the other hand I would appreciate to understand with the same parameter, and with a sort of identical approach all the cases of cantus fractus( clearly of the last belated Gregorian chant repertoire) but most important, all the membra disiecta…"
Jun 11, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"Most of medieval theorists are more related to a diastematic connection overall, and in fact were more preoccupied on the precise pitch contour with the inherent outcome-obviously through a metric subdivision more or less evident in the diastematic…"
Jun 10, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Raphael Cavalcanti's discussion Cardine's critiques on Fr Vollaerts and Dom Murray in Mensuralistes
"Dom Murray in substance was almost against Eugene Cardine in a long term. But in the actual fact, there are some key referral points to define. First of all, if we are talking of adiastematic notation/ in campo aperto, or instead of a sort…"
Jun 10, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Hymnaire italien du XIIIème siècle - Rythme libre, rythme mesurée in Mensuralistes
"Thanks! In effect, I saw some other manuscripts that could be also considered as an intermediate stage. Therefore, it could be precarious to establishe a definite  separation between them, or could be prone to fail."
May 16, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Hymnaire italien du XIIIème siècle - Rythme libre, rythme mesurée in Mensuralistes
"In synthesis, what I was trying to explaing previously is that the mensural factor was more evident later.Therefore, it remains complicate to impose a system adequate for all the conditions at this stage; unless it is considered only for the moment…"
May 16, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Hymnaire italien du XIIIème siècle - Rythme libre, rythme mesurée in Mensuralistes
"Of course it comes from Central Italy, but what is not highlighted here is the fact that we are talking about a manuscript in the first stage of diastematic notation.In other terms, the sway run of the 'notes'was dictated by the expression of the…"
May 16, 2019
Anthea Grasselli replied to Dominique Gatté's discussion Hymnaire italien du XIIIème siècle - Rythme libre, rythme mesurée in Mensuralistes
"Angelo Rusconi said:
Exactly! The ms probably comes from Central Italy, I think"
May 16, 2019
Anthea Grasselli commented on Dominique Gatté's blog post In memoriam : Alejandro Planchart (1935-2019)
"Very sad to know this only today. R.I.P.
A difficult individual to replace, since he had so much knowledge/kindness. As a result, surely he wil be missed from many."
May 16, 2019
Anthea Grasselli commented on Oliver Gerlach's event Colloquio internazionale sul Canto beneventano a Benevento
"Sarei davvero grata di avere notizie  dettagliate a riguardo, in quanto mi resta difficile poter essere presente perché vivo in Australia.Per favore, gradirei se qualcuno si degnasse mandarmi le coordinate  al mio indirizzo…"
Apr 24, 2019
Anthea Grasselli commented on Oliver Gerlach's blog post Call for Papers: The Manuscripts of Charlemagne's Court School—Individual Creation and European Cultural Heritage
"This is quite interesting, but I was wondering if some key-points  are not considered in this regard. Kenneth Levy's pictured -an authoritative text established at court-  which make sense within the general textual situation of other liturgical…"
Oct 2, 2017