May 17
Intérêt principal (principal interest)
Grégorien, Ambrosien, Chants des ordres religieux, Liturgie, Théorie musicale, Manuscrits (paléographie)
Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)
Studying at: Sola Scriptura Theological College (Budapest, Hungary). Church singer at:Schola Gregoriana Budapestinensis (dir.György Béres and Attila Sztankó), the Vincentine Schola (dir. András Dékány). Praecentor at the Mulierum Schola of the Sacra Famiglia OFS Group Budapest. Serving at the Gregorian Holy Mass and Vesper by the Franciscan Church of Pest and the Vincentine Chapel' Sunday Mass. I aim to learn more about Gregorian and Ambrosian chants. Completed the five-years Gregorian course "Cantemus Domino" at Assisi (Docenti: P. Matteo Ferraldeschi OFM, P. Maurizio Verde, OFM, Prof. Giovanni Conti, Franco Radicchia e Prof. Franz Karl Prassl) and a basic Gregorian course at the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma, Hungary (by György Béres and Ferenc Sapszon). I took part at different international Gregorian events and courses as a singer (Assisi Tre Giorni 2016, docenti Elena Vadori, P.Matteo Ferraldeschi OFM, P.Maurizio Verde OFM; Rome 2017, docente Jaan-Eik Tulve; Imola 2018 docente Michal Slawecki; Gregorian Week Marijampolé 2018 docenti Jaan-Eik Tulve - conductor, Rev. Kestutis Paliksa - liturgy, Rev. Mariusz Bialkowski - theory;Abbaye de la Fontenay 2018, dir. Olga Roudakova) Recently I created a Facebook Page about scholas, events, articles and registrations in touch with my and my colleagues'Gregorian activity: Il Mondo Gregoriano di Kriszta @krisztagregorian