





May 17

Intérêt principal (principal interest)

Grégorien, Ambrosien, Chants des ordres religieux, Liturgie, Théorie musicale, Manuscrits (paléographie)

Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)

Studying at: Sola Scriptura Theological College (Budapest, Hungary). Church singer at:Schola Gregoriana Budapestinensis (dir.György Béres and Attila Sztankó), the Vincentine Schola (dir. András Dékány). Praecentor at the Mulierum Schola of the Sacra Famiglia OFS Group Budapest. Serving at the Gregorian Holy Mass and Vesper by the Franciscan Church of Pest and the Vincentine Chapel' Sunday Mass. I aim to learn more about Gregorian and Ambrosian chants. Completed the five-years Gregorian course "Cantemus Domino" at Assisi (Docenti: P. Matteo Ferraldeschi OFM, P. Maurizio Verde, OFM, Prof. Giovanni Conti, Franco Radicchia e Prof. Franz Karl Prassl) and a basic Gregorian course at the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma, Hungary (by György Béres and Ferenc Sapszon). I took part at different international Gregorian events and courses as a singer (Assisi Tre Giorni 2016, docenti Elena Vadori, P.Matteo Ferraldeschi OFM, P.Maurizio Verde OFM; Rome 2017, docente Jaan-Eik Tulve; Imola 2018 docente Michal Slawecki; Gregorian Week Marijampolé 2018 docenti Jaan-Eik Tulve - conductor, Rev. Kestutis Paliksa - liturgy, Rev. Mariusz Bialkowski - theory;Abbaye de la Fontenay 2018, dir. Olga Roudakova) Recently I created a Facebook Page about scholas, events, articles and registrations in touch with my and my colleagues'Gregorian activity: Il Mondo Gregoriano di Kriszta @krisztagregorian

Activity Feed

Krisztina Waliczky might be going to Session grégorienne de Solesmes 2024
Mar 8, 2024
Krisztina Waliczky liked Dr. Dirk van Kampen's discussion Gregorian and Old-Roman chant
Mar 1, 2023
Krisztina Waliczky shared their discussion on Facebook
Mar 1, 2023
Krisztina Waliczky liked Oliver Gerlach's discussion The most crucial misunderstandings concering the history of the Greek and the Latin rite in Southern Italy
Mar 1, 2023
Krisztina Waliczky might be going to Colloque - La restauration du chant grégorien : Hommage à dom Joseph Pothier (1835-1923)
Mar 1, 2023
Oliver Gerlach replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"I understood very well, but this comparison seems hardly be a coincidence, I think we have to compare and have a closer look at all three to understand this Benedicamus tropus."
Nov 8, 2022
Oliver Gerlach replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"No, on the contrary we hit the nail right on its head!
There are also motets composed over the same tune with three different texts at the same time (every genre, whatever you like!), while the 4-part clausula in F (ff. 7v-8r) is just a 4-part…"
Nov 8, 2022
Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"we're looking for much earlier source than "Piae cantiones" and also of a monophonic version
Nov 8, 2022
Louis-Marie Salaün replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"Pour répondre à votre question sur l'auteur du "Puer natus in Bethléem" il semble qu'on doive l'attribuer à Théodoricus Petri (1550-1617), étudiant finlandais à l'université  de Rostock.
Ce cantique de Nöel fait partie de ceux que l'on trouve dans…"
Nov 8, 2022
Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"Dear Oliver, maybe we misunderstood each other. I'm talking only about a monodic piece (nothing about clausulae or so).
Nov 8, 2022
Oliver Gerlach replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"But in case of Ma 289 and BL Egerton 2615 you deal with a clausula which is part of «Alleluia Christus resurgens» which is due to the subject composed in autentus proti, but not every clausula on its own has necessarily the same tonality like the…"
Nov 8, 2022
Oliver Gerlach replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"It is a tricky question, I usually decide it from the local perspective of a suitable tonary, but the beginning (as an intonation of the incipit) is definitely an argument for plagi proti or tonus secundus.  
Nov 8, 2022
Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"I'm not looking for any of it, the mention of Madrid 289 and Egerton was just related to your association with Dominique's CD. We know that the text of Puer natus wandered off into cantiones repertoire at some point (including BD).   
Nov 8, 2022
Oliver Gerlach replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"The manuscript of Beauvais (Egerton 2615) is close to the Notre-Dame school (even if it is not strictly organised like the revised Magnus liber organi) as well as to the Aquitanian school («Viderunt emmanuel» as a troped organum over the Nativity…"
Nov 8, 2022
Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"Oliver, I think they mean II. as Dorian plagal, no? Krisztina: where is your transcription from? What a funny story: a well known piece with very obscure origins, it seems...
Nov 8, 2022
Oliver Gerlach replied to Krisztina Waliczky's discussion Who is the author of the melody of "Puer Natus in Betlehem Alleluia"? in Répertoires liturgiques
"Sorry for messing it up, my former post preceded the last two by Agnieszka, but hopefully I fixed it now.
You are right the cadences on E are interesting, but I would not call them "unconvincing" just because they appear in a Dorian tune. But the…"
Nov 8, 2022